Wednesday, February 28, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Sen. John McCain running for President!!!

On tonight's 'Late Night with David Letterman' TV Show, Arizona Senator John McCain announced that he is running for President in 2008. Congratulations to the one man who can defeat the liberal H. Rotten Clinton. Here is the video announcement:

Click Here: John McCain on Letterman

The formal announcement will be coming in April! Go McCain 2008!!!

A Breath of Fresh Air.....

We have received many phone calls & e-mails from LD-6 Precinct Committeeman concerning the recent District 6 meeting last Monday evening. New Chairman DAVE BRASWELL and his Executive Board put together an excellent presentation called, "Stampede of GOP Elephants". Braswell was criticized on another Blog earlier this week for his Newsletter to District PC's.Here is one of the e-mails we received:

"LD-6 is back on the move, Monday saw a great Start-Up meeting, the first after the State and County mandatory meeting and they hit the ground running.The visual display illustrated the strong as well as the week precincts and the white elephants in the picture denote the precincts that have PC representation.
Many of the Captains picked up their walking lists and promised to recruit hard working Republicans in their precincts to fill the vacant spots for PC appointments.
Chairman Braswell assured his PC’s and the attending guests and dignitaries that will no rest until every precinct is adequately represented with willing-to-work PC’s and PC Captains.
The meeting ran on overtime because of the extensive agenda and work-in-progress.
Spin around those statements.
The 2 grand daughters of one of the LD-6 officers, one who is an elected PC herself came home from college for the meeting and another one who is about to start a T.A. R.S. group in her H. School attended the front desk as “Greeters” and quickly sold out all available raffle tickets for the “Pot-of-Gold” and several other prizes.
It was a remarkable success!"

Dan Nichols, 1st Vice Chairman of the Maricopa County Republicans said, " This was a wonderful visual illustration that hopefully can be used in other Districts".

District 6 has a new PA System with a portable microphone that allows more input from the PC's during meetings. Looks like LD-6 is back on the path that made it the "Best District in Arizona" back in 2004. Congratulations to Dave Braswell and the entire LD-6 Family!

So you think Sen. McCain is too old huh Shane?

One of the local bloggers calls Sen. John McCain an old man.

Well I guess Ronald Reagan was old too, what did he say to Walter Mondale?

"I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience." -during a 1984 presidential debate with Walter Mondale.

More to come on this subject in later posts.......

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Owl Gore's "Inconvenient Lie"

Interesting article on the 'Drudge Report' about movie mogul Owl Gore and his hypocrisy about being so 'green' on the environment. His documentary, or should we say "Work of Fiction", An Inconvenient Truth, won an Academy Award (guess fantasy is big this year?). Gore uses more fuel in his Tennessee home than the average American uses in a whole year. Not only this, but what about your airplane Owl? All of these "greenies" might be more convincing if they all gave up their cars, planes, and huge mansions which use huge amounts of fossil fuels to heat/cool. Talk about hypocrites?

Monday, February 26, 2007

'The Real Deal' by Vito Corleone

Arizona has received 150,000 more residents every year and 5 years ago the majority of them starting moving here from California.
So then Carl Seel shows up. From what the
Google search shows, arrived from California with no skills or talent.
That has been proven when one studies the history of the Seel's Arizona residence time.

First thing out of the gate he runs for a State Wide office because Carl Seel did not have the residence time to run for the Legislature. This was such a driven opportunity, raising some
$2,061.80 ( insert #200493127) is all that could be contributed to support this run for office. Carl Seel told the Arizona Republic when asked "Why are you running for the Corporation Commission?" "Because I do not have the residence time required to run for the Legislature" answered Seel. What a telling example to the future of this short time Arizonan and Political RINO.

The next elected office run involved taking
$53,149.34 ( insert #200693289) of Taxpayers hard earned Money to fund his self- serving run for elected office that resulted in a dismal last place finish (page 8)result and total lack of voter support.

The mentioned signatures gathering efforts in the response posting must of been a reflect of simpler thoughts. As Carl Seel could not even get elected to be a State Committee person from all these signatures he gathered when he was working for the Party & Legislative District 6.

A father with three children normally works on concerns of those children like Pop Warner, Little League, PTA or Boy Scouts. The YMCA or Boys Clubs are always in need of Parent evolvement and support.
But what does this father spend all his time and energy on efforts that only offer some kind of simple minded political evolvement that has no impact on anything but filing his Bank Account with Taxpayers Funds.

Horst Kraus has always been management and anyone who suggests that he is a Union Hack is really showing their lack of Business sense; not to point out that Mr. Kraus has worked to support his family and all his neighbors in many different communities efforts.
Serving as a officer in
Several Social Clubs and Community organizations, provided his swimming pool to teach the community young people how to swim and perhaps not drown or have a mishap that Arizona leads the Country in.

Financial support of candidates is a key element of our Political process and volunteering is something that all of the Kraus family has done while being a maximum contributor to candidates they support.

So "Seel" the Johnny come lately from California, with no knowledge of the community needs, and his efforts are just what can be done to benefit this RINO and his lack of any business or Political history is sure very obvious with the responses Seel and his few other RINOS make on a regular basis. Thank you Politico Mafioso" for your Blog that gets the truth out on these, the "REAL RINOS".

One is normally judged by the Company ones keeps. One only needs to spend, a few minutes in the Maricopa County Republican office to learn why they are not able to raise any money or accomplish anything but lose 7 seats in the recent Legislative election. Not to say how a Liberal democrat Governor was re-elected in a Republican state with the Strong "REAL RINO" Leadership that the Republican Party seems to be lead by.

Don Vito Corleone
"The Godfather"

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Coming Soon........

A new member of the 'Politico Mafioso'
Team.....the original 'Don'. Stay Tuned!!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Horst Kraus responds to the 'Hot Doesn't Get It' Gang....

Since the "Goldwater/Mason/PAChyderm Coalition" Blog wouldn't allow Mr. Kraus to post a reply to their recent article, he has e-mailed us. Here is his reply in full:

"I appreciate that you tried to introduce some relevance into what it takes to support and promote real Republican Candidates with real conservative motivation. I am sorry you caught some flak because of that.
You are dealing here with some sophomoric immaturity where it is very difficult to maintain ones own civility.
The Hot-AZ-It-Gets Gang labeled me a “Labor Leader” from “Chicago”. Now that is brilliant. It is a double whammy. Being called a labor leader puts one into the category of Gotti, Hoffa, Cesar Chavez or Al Capone, and it is quite denigrating; to add Chicago to the equation elevates denigration to the power of the square. It’s calculated. It is what you must expect from those who follow the Jesuit upbringing: “The end justifies the means”.
Although I informed the “Hot-AZ-It-Gets” boys last evening that I was never a labor leader, and earlier to day they bragged that Bloggers have the ability to correct miss-information with lightning speed, they have yet to publish the correction.
Read: Bloggers, unlike newspapers, correct their mistakes. It is their latest Blog.

I had informed them unmistakably that I was never a labor leader but that while I resided in Wheaton, IL, a suburb of Chicago I was elected to a number of different positions in the hierarchy of the mechanical construction industry, among others President of the Illinois Plumbing Heating and Cooling Contractor's Association and Chairman of the labor negotiation team on behalf of the employers.
How they ever got that wrong is left for me to speculate. Why they never published my reply is for everyone to guess. Young Boys getting caught while playing with their own private thoughts are usually embarrassed. That could be it.

Just read on and pay particular attention to the last 3 paragraphs.

My wife and I are the general Partners in Kraus Investment L.C. that owns among other things the Shangri-La Ranch a clothing-optional Spa and Retreat.
True, some of our guests, some of the time enjoy clothes free recreation, like swimming, aerobics, weight lifting and other exercises.
There appears to be a blogger on the Hot AZ It Gets Blog who has a pathological obsession with clothes-free living. He harbors a fascination with nudity that ranges from sophomorically curious pre-puberty to Freudian complexity.
In mild cases this affliction is curable without medical intervention; just reading and learning about the subject matter could help. In harder cases serious psychotherapy and counseling by trained shrinks is needed.
The danger that a person with such strong a complex might get off the deep end is real and can turn into harm to others or himself. It happened to Mark Foley, and he called himself a real conservative too, remember."
Horst Kraus

And the Oscar goes to.....

Who cares? The Ultra-Liberal Hollyweird Left will be front & center Sunday night for the 79th Annual Academy Awards show (where is '24' when you need it?). Politico Mafioso does have a horse in one race, that being for Best Director. Martin Scorsese is up for his movie "The Departed".

Marty has directed many great pictures over the years, including one of the best Mob movies of all time, "Goodfellas". Looks like he is finally going to win as the Academy has lined up 3 of his best pals to hand out the Director award. You DA man Marty, forgetaboutit!!!

Friday, February 23, 2007

A 'Rainy Day' Comparison.....

Now that it's raining today, I am taking the advice of the gang over @ Hot AZ It Gets and did a search of the Political Money Line, a great Internet Search Engine that finds donors to political campaigns. But who to search for?

A light bulb went off....let's look into the group the Hot AZ It Gets Gang is always trying to make comparisons between -
"The Grand Canyon Pachyderm Club" an allied organization of the Republican National Committee, and the "PAChyderm Coalition".

Since time and web space won't allow us to look at all members of each group, let's look at the leaders of these two groups. Horst Kraus, recently elected as the President of the GCPC and Carl Seel, the newly elected Chairman of the PAChyderm Coalition. Here is what was found:

Contributions from individuals whose name begins with [ Seel, Carl ]

Election cycle 2002 - 2006

Total $ ???
Time of this request: 2/22/2007 5:29:22 PM

Contributions from individuals whose name begins with [ Kraus, Horst ]

Election cycle 2002 -2006
18 records found.

1 .
Kraus, Horst
New River, AZ 85087
Kraus Investments LC/entrepreneur
[View Image]
2 .
[View Image]
3 .
[View Image]
4 .
Kraus, Horst
Phoenix, AZ 85027
Self/Kraus Investments L.C.
[View Image]
5 .
Kraus, Horst
Phoenix, AZ 85027
Self/R.V Rark Owner
[View Image]
6 .
Kraus, Horst
New River, AZ 85087
Kraus Investments LC/entrepreneur
[View Image]
7 .
Kraus, Horst
New River, AZ 85087
Kraus Investments LC/entrepreneur
[View Image]
8 .
Kraus, Horst
New River, AZ 85087
[View Image]
9 .
Kraus, Horst
New River, AZ 85087
[View Image]
10 .
Kraus, Horst
New River, AZ 85087
[View Image]
11 .
Kraus, Horst
New River, AZ 85087
[View Image]
12 .
Kraus, Horst
New River, AZ 85087
[View Image]
13 .
Kraus, Horst
Phoenix, AZ 85027
Self/R.V Park Owner
[View Image]
14 .
[View Image]
15 .
[View Image]
16 .
[View Image]
17 .
[View Image]
18 .
[View Image]
Total $ 14,481.00

Time of this request: 2/22/2007 5:27:01 PM

Not only is there a difference between the Pachyderm Coalition and the Grand Canyon Pachyderm Club in the matter they are formed and operated, there appears to be also a huge difference between the president of the one and the president of the other when it comes to supporting Republican Candidates and Conservative Causes.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hollywood abandoning H. Rotten Clinton....

Poor H. Rotten....her liberal Hollyweird pals are abandoning her in droves. A weekend fundraiser, led by former Clinton pal, Dreamworks co-founder David Geffen, for Illinois Sen. OBama Bin Laden (my "nickname" for Barak Obama) raised over $1.3 Million for OBL's run against H. Rotten.

Could you imagine what the Clinton house was like this last weekend when the news of this came out? (No wonder 'Bill' lives in NY, H. Rotten in Wash D.C.).
She must have gone 'nuclear'?

OBL vs H. Rotten War (sorry for the PMSNBC Link) is going to be fun to watch. The democrats (notice I NEVER use a capital "D") eating their own is great news for Republicans. So much for OBL being HR's Vice President...LOL!

Hollyweirdo's love Bill, they don't love Hillary and it's starting to show...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Rep. Bill Konopnicki's Floor Speech.....

Here is Rep. Bill Konopnicki's Floor Speech from yesterday:
"Mr. Speaker and Members of the House

I rise to share a troubling experience of this past weekend - one that, I am sad to say, is becoming more commonplace. My comments are not aimed at any individual, or at any member of the House, but are made in the hope of more open communication and greater tolerance for differences of opinion in this body.

In a recent committee hearing I voted against a bill that I thought was flawed. This decision was based upon what I felt was best, an honest difference of opinion over the potential for unintended consequences should the legislation become law. After my vote, information began to circulate as to my motives for voting the way I did - false information. I am not sure who was responsible for this or why it occurred, but this misinformation was widely circulated via email to several people. The problem is this: this petty attempt at misinformation has since escalated from several emails into threats against my family and against me.

The 60 members that sit on this floor are members of a very special institution, an institution that was intended to be built upon civilized debate and genteel behavior. The motives behind the actions of a particular member are not open for debate: We are not here to accuse one another of being unpatriotic, un-American, un-Republican or even incorrect. Each of us is charged with acting according to our beliefs, no more or less.

The American political process is based on open and honest debate. How sad is the idea that by simply voting against another member’s bill we may be exposing ourselves to baseless innuendo or, even worse to threats against our loved ones?

We find this most often when the subject of illegal immigration emerges. The passionate debate that seems to follow this issue is becoming reminiscent of the tactics Joe McCarthy

The Eisenhower administration, through the words of Vice President Nixon said it best: "Men who have in the past done effective work exposing Communists in this country have, by reckless talk and questionable methods, made themselves the issue rather than the cause they believe in so deeply." In other words, we are losing focus on the merits of the issues and are instead, relegated to bearing insults and accusations. I can’t help but recall the now famous words of the attorney, Joe Welch, when he asked Senator McCarthy: “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of honor?

And that is the question of the day: Where is the decency? Where is the honor? Are we not capable of disagreeing without calling into question the motives of those that see things differently than we do?

I never thought that I would fear for my safety or for the safety of my family when I took my seat as a member of the Arizona House of Representatives. It is my intention today to draw attention to the poisonous atmosphere that surrounds the debate over certain issues – particularly that of illegal immigration – and to pray that we will each, every one of us, seek a return to the protocol and decorum that makes our form of government the greatest on this earth.

None of us should have to fear for the safety of those we love, let alone the threat of “political payback,” over something as simple and straightforward as an honest disagreement over public policy.

Thank you for listening

(According to rule 20 I ask that a written copy of my comments be place in the file of the Chief Clerks office).
Rep. Bill Konopnicki - District 5
NOTE: Bill Konopnicki is an honorable public servant. NO ONE should ever have to be exposed to this kind of threat. We need more Bill Konopnicki's!

Quote of the week....

Surfing through the Arizona Blogs, I saw this reply yesterday:

"I hope Haney pulls through. I want to see the look on his face January 20, 2009 when President John Sidney McCain gets sworn in.
But in all seriousness, I hope Marne knows that a lot of people are thinking about her and her husband.
But I wasn't kidding about 2009."

Posted by:
john upshur February 20, 2007 at 01:50 PM

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


The McCain 2008 Exploratory campaign announced a series of endorsements today.

Former Governor Frank Keating - OK
Senator John Thune - SD
Senator Mike DeWine - OH

Gov. Keating is the biggest catch of the day for the McCain team. He is a former Chairman of GOPAC, which Newt Gingrich led for a few years leading up to the 1994 Republican Revolution. He has solid conservative credentials, and this announcement may be seen as a "steal" from Gingrich if he ultimately enters the race.

Also, the boys at Sonoran Alliance discuss Senator Phil Gramm's piece in today's Wall Street Journal.

A Great Book: 'The Rise of America - Fighting the Next American Revolution & the Constitutional Crisis

Just finished a very interesting read. John D. Diamond's book, "The Rise of America - Fighting the Next American Revolution and the Constitutional Crisis, is the first in a series of three books that delve into our Founding Fathers original intent for America and what has occurred to change these ideals. I know you will find this a fascinating look at our great country. You can purchase this book by CLICKING HERE

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy President's Day!!!

Happy President's Day to all! We have put together a non-scientific poll to see who is your favorite President of all time:

Who is your favorite US President of all time?
Ronald Reagan
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
George W. Bush
Abraham Lincoln
Bill Clinton
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
Harry Truman
Richard Nixon
Free polls from

For more on all time favorite President's, here are two web sites you can visit to find out more: Historical Rankings of the US Presidents

Ranking: Best Presidents of the United States

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Just who are the "REAL" Rino's?

Recent articles in the 'New York Times' and 'The Nation', both Ultra-Liberal publications, attempt to derail the Presidential aspirations of our Senator, John McCain. (Sorry, I will not link to these 'articles' - they are linked on other blogs: Espresso Pundit, Sonoran Alliance, and Hot AZ It Gets)

Just who gave the interviews to these two liberal rags? 'The Nation' interviewed Emperor Rob Haney, District 11 Chairman. 'The New York Times' interviewed Lyle 'Darth' Tuttle, Chairman of the Maricopa Republican Party. Tuttle said this in his interview:

"The chairman of the local Republican Party here in the most populous county in Arizona has in his possession a bright yellow button with a black line slashed through the name McCain.
'A straw poll conducted by the Maricopa County Republican Committee put Senator John McCain of Arizona behind a lesser-known opponent', says Lyle Tuttle, the committee chairman. The results have been disputed.
“I don’t wear it out very often,” said the chairman, Lyle Tuttle of the Maricopa County Republican Committee, in a slightly sheepish coda to a 20-minute vituperation about the state’s senior senator, served up from his living room chair.
“I think those who do not support Senator McCain,” Mr. Tuttle continued, “if they could just get the word out and help people to understand what has happened with him, we could have an impact.”

This came from the County Chairman, about a life-long Republican, John McCain. A man who served has served his country in the Navy for over 20 years? A man who has served Arizona & the nation in the Congress for over 25 years?

Emperor Haney, too busy bashing Sen. McCain when he should have been doing his job (the two GOP State Legislators in his district were defeated in 2006, and now a democrat has one of the seats), has long been known as a 'RINO Killer'. Looking at the LD-11 bylaws, it says clearly:

Section A. The objectives of the District shall be:
1. To elect Republican legislators in District 11;
2. To elect Republican candidates at all levels;
3. To promote an informed electorate through political education;
4. To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to maintain and promote its principles;
5. To increase the effectiveness of Republican workers in the cause of good government through active political participation;
6. To promote Republican awareness and support Republican appointments to appointed offices, commissions, and committees, at all levels.

I wonder if former Reps Hassellbrock & Allen think the Emperor did his 'job'?
Why did Haney & Tuttle go to the Liberal Media? They both claim to be conservatives? I think its time to realize that they are the "REAL" RINO's, using their office to attempt to bring down a good Republican like Sen. McCain....

Friday, February 16, 2007


Congressman John Shadegg - "The consequences of withdrawing from Iraq before Iraqis can defend themselves are dire, and this resolution ignores the fundamental issue that Iraq is part of the larger war against radical jihadists."

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman John Shadegg (R-AZ) made the following statement regarding today's vote on the Iraq resolution: "Following repeated claims by jihadist leaders that America will lose it's will to win in Iraq as it did in Vietnam, Beirut, and Somalia, the U.S. House of Representatives today, confirmed our enemies' claims by passing a politically posturing, "non-binding" resolution that emboldens our enemies, betrays our allies in Iraq, and signals our intent to abandon our troops fighting overseas."
"This resolution will have grave and far reaching consequences that will ultimately lead to the deaths of more Americans and innocent Iraqis. It sends a message of weakness that serves to encourage our enemies to hang on a little longer and keep up the fight. Our enemies have openly declared their intent to kill us. If we do not defeat radical jihadists in Iraq, where we will we defeat them? If not now, when?"
"In this debate I repeatedly tried to point out that our troops are fighting a war that is broad in scope and that Islamic jihadists will not stop attacking us even if America withdraws from Iraq. The limited debate proposed by Democrats implies otherwise, and puts America at great risk. Withdrawal from Iraq will send a clear message to our allies and to friend and foe alike that American cannot be trusted to keep its word when confronted with danger and adversity."
"The consequences of withdrawing from Iraq before Iraqis can defend themselves are dire, and this resolution ignores the fundamental issue that Iraq is part of the larger war against radical jihadists. This only further proves the point that the Democrat majority fundamentally misunderstands the threat we face. Somewhere deep in the caves of Afghanistan and across the Middle East, Osama bin Laden and his jihadist allies are watching, smiling, and plotting their next attack."
Congressman Shadegg is the author of the Victory in Iraq Resolution. To access the Congressman's floor speeches visit

And this 'woman' wants to be the President of the United States?

Special Thanks to my friends Joni & Mary from the Gathering Conservatives News Group for sending this on. These are actual quotes from H. Rotten Clinton, the presumed nominee of the dems:

"Where is the G-ddamn f**king flag? I want the G-ddamn f**king flag up every f**king morning at f**king sunrise."(From the book "Inside The White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 244 - Hillary to the staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion on Labor Day, 1991)

"You sold out, you motherf**ker! You sold out."From the book "Inside" by Joseph Califano, p. 213 - Hillary yelling at Democrat lawyer.

"It's been said, and I think it's accurate, that my husband was obsessed by terrorism in general and al-Qaida in particular."Hillary telling a post-9/11 world what a great commander in chief her husband was; Dateline, NBC 4/16/2004.

"I have to admit that a good deal of what my husband and I have learned [about Islam] has come from our daughter."( 8/8/1999 - Hillary at a White House function, proudly tells some Muslim groups she is gaining a greater appreciation of Islam because Chelsea was then taking a class on the "religion of peace")

"F**k off! It's enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day, I'm not going to talk to you too. Just do your G-ddamn job and keep your mouth shut."(From the book "American Evita" by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 -

Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with "Good morning.""You f**king idiot."(From the book "Crossfire" p. 84 -

Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event.)"If you want to remain on this detail, get your f**king ass over here and grab those bags."(From the book "The First Partner" p. 259 -

Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident.)"Get f**ked! Get the f**k out of my way! Get out of my face!"(From the book "Hillary's Scheme" p. 89 -

Hillary's various comments to her Secret Service detail.)"Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k away from me! Don't come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay?"(From the book "Unlimited Access" by Gary Aldrige, p. 139 -

Hillary to the Secret Service detail."Many of you are well enough off that [President Bush's] tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to have to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."Hillary to her fellow liberals in a fund raising speech in San Francisco; 6/28/2004.)

"Why do I have to keep proving to people that I am not a liar?"(From the book "The Survivor," by John Harris, p. 382 -

Hillary in her 2000 Senate campaign)"Where's the miserable c**ksucker?"(From the book "The Truth About Hillary" by Edward Klein, p. 5 -

Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer)"No matter what you think about the Iraq war, there is one thing we can all agree on for the next days - we have to salute the courage and bravery of those who are risking their lives to vote and those brave Iraqi and American soldiers fighting to protect their right to vote.(Posted on Hillary's web site 01/28/05)

"Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those sunglasses. We need to go back!"(From the book "Dereliction of Duty" p. 71-72 -

Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while en route to Air Force One.)

"A right-wing network was after his presidency...including perverting the Constitution."(To Barbara Walters about the Republicans who impeached her husband; 20/20, ABC 6/8/2003.)

"Son of a bitch."(From the book "American Evita" by Christopher Anderson, p. 259 - Hillary's opinion of President George W. Bush when she found out he secretly visited Iraq just days before her highly publicized trip to Iraq)

"What are you doing inviting these people into my home? These people are our enemies! They are trying to destroy us!"(From the book "The Survivor" by John Harris, p. 99 - Hillary's reaction to an aide, when she found out that some Republicans had been invited to the Clinton White House)

"I mean, you've got a conservative and right-wing press presence with really nothing on the other end of the political spectrum."(C-Span, 1/19/1997 - Hillary complains about the mainstream media, which are all conservatives in her opinion)

"Come on Bill, put your dick up. You can't f**k her here."(From the book "Inside The White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 243 - Hillary to Gov. Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female at an Arkansas political rally)

You know, I'm going to start thanking the woman who cleans the restroom in the building I work in. I'm going to start thinking of her as a human being”-Hillary Clinton(From the book "The Case Against Hillary Clinton" by Peggy Noonan, p. 55)

"You show people what you're willing to fight for when you fight your friends."(From the book "The Agenda" by Bob Woodward, ch. 14)

Being a [Chicago] Cubs fan prepares you for life—and Washington. (Newsweek, April 18, 1994 p. 17)

"We are at a stage in history in which remolding society is one of the great challenges facing all of us in the West." (From the book "I've Always Been A Yankee Fan" by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 119 - During her 1993 commencement address at the University of Texas)

"The only way to make a difference is to acquire power" (p. 68). (From the book "I've Always Been A Yankee Fan" by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 68 -

Hillary to a friend before starting law school.)

"We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices.... Government has to make those choices for people"(From the book "I've Always Been A Yankee Fan" by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 20 -

Hillary to Rep. Dennis Hastert in 1993 discussing her health care plan"I am a fan of the social policies that you find in Europe" (p. 76). Hillary in 1996"(From the book "I've Always Been A Yankee Fan" by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 76 - Hillary in 1996)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Al 'Qaeda' Franken to run for Senate seat in Minnesota?

Crazy Al 'QAEDA' Franken, the former Air America poster boy for liberals, has announced his intention to run against Republican Incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman in the 2008 elections. Franken, who was born in MINNN-A-soTA, will have challengers for the Democrat nomination. He will have a tough time explaining his 'Hollywood' style politics to the people of MN. This will be a interesting race to watch!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day & Happy Birthday Arizona!

All of us from 'Politico Mafioso' wish you all a
Very Happy Valentine's Day & wish Arizona a Happy 95th Birthday. We are lucky to live in the greatest state in the USA!

A very special Valentine's Day greeting to our "pals" over @
'The Sonoran Alliance' Blog. Seems they don't like any 'competition' over there. Well, Shane, Karl, et all, we are just beginning to get started over here. We AIN' T going away! Better get used to us!

Rudy Giuliani certainly has a great sense of humor...

Found this funny video over on YouTube:

You sure have to admit that Rudy has a great sense of humor.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

And the TRUTH will set you free....

Great comment yesterday by Gordon James, husband of Lisa James, the former candidate for AZ Republican Party Chairman, on the 'Sonoran Alliance' Blog. Mr. James said the following:

"Just for the record our firm does not do much political work and we are not strategists. We have never managed a campaign but have been involved in all six national presidential campaigns where either 41 or 43 has run. Luckily they won five out of six.
We have been working and volunteering for the Bush family for almost 30 years. When we were asked by the Mayor’s group to help with fundraising in the Southwest we were honored to say yes.

I personally think that Mayor Giuliani is a man of integrity who will make a great President.As far as I know Lisa has yet to make a commitment to any candidate and is enjoying her time with the children.
I am sure when the time comes she will jump in with both feet to support the Republican nominee. "

Finally, the truth has come out! Some of the Bloggers tried to tie Lisa James to Sen. John McCain, time, & time, & time, & time, & time again.
Those who know Lisa James knew the truth already. She was NOT part of the McCain campaign. Guess some will attempt to do anything to win?

Monday, February 12, 2007

Two Failed Liberals want to recall Sen. John McCain....

We just received this e-mail @ Politico Mafioso from a Blogger Group we belong to:

[AZBlogNet] Recall John McCain
2/12/2007 8:03:03 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

'If anybody would like to join the recall Senator John the Chairman Leonard Clark at 602 ______ or William Crum(treasurer) at 602______.The organization is Americans For Integrity and Justice.Come join us.'

Doing a Google search on these two, we found that
Leonard Clark is an Iraq War veteran who got busted Blogging
negative articles about the Military when he was stationed in Iraq. He tried to run against Sen. Kyl in 2006 as a Democrat but never got anywhere.

William Crum ran twice for CD-2 House of Representatives vs Trent Franks. Crum as an Independent. Both lost their races.

Guess the Liberals really hate Sen. McCain? These two fools will get about as far as they did when they ran for office. NOWHERE!!!

BTW, this Internet Group got angry when we send Political E-Mails thru the group. Guess it's not the same for Liberals?

Charles Barkley, THE LIBERAL, speaks out on Politics.....

Former Phoenix Sun and now TNT commentator, Charles Barkley, on yesterday's "Sports Show with Brad Cesmat" on Channel 3, did an interview about politics. In the interview, Barkley, who one time admitted to losing over $10 Million in gambling, talked about the chances of the candidates running for President in 2008. Barkley said that Hillary has no chance because she is a woman; Obaba has no chance because he is black; McCain has no chance because he has no personality? (great endorsement from a Liberal Moron like you Chuckie?)

Who does the Chuckster like? John Edwards, trial lawyer for the rich doctors, is his choice. I think all that gambling has rotted your brain Chuckie. He once said, "I am NOT a roll model". How true is that?

One more thing. Barkley has consistently picked against the Phoenix Suns his whole TV commentator career. I think I know why? One reason is when the Suns win the title (and they WILL if not this year, within the next couple of years), Barkley will be nothing in Phoenix. He will be forgotten. Barkley's 15 minutes of fame should have been up years ago.

Here is the link to the video from last night's show:

Charles Barkley talks politics

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Wanna Be Sheriff, Democrat Dan Saban claims to have GOP support?

Buckeye Chief of Police and Wanna Be Maricopa County Sheriff candidate Dan Saban claims in a e-mail today that he has:

"Republicans for Dan Saban? Yes, we have been approached by several prominent Republicans who have expressed their blessings. This is a critical development because public safety issues affect us all"

This will be an interesting development since the recent Bylaw change by the Maricopa County Republican Committee:

Article VI - Executive Guidance Committee
Section 5 - Elections Neutrality, B. Endorsements of Non-Republican Candidates
"No member of the EGC shall lend an endorsement to a non-Republican candidate in ANY election"
'Should a MCRC member endorse a non-Republican, that MCRC member will lose voting privileges, including proxies, for the rest of his/her term.'

This should be a strong test of this new "law of the land", since some of those who supported Saban were the same ones who composed and got this Bylaw passed....more to come....

Friday, February 09, 2007

Why John McCain will be the next President despite the Bloggers...Part 1

Framer over @
the Arizona 8th Blog has an excellent post today about the Bloggers and John McCain. He is dead on in his article, the Blogoshphere does NOT support Sen. John McCain in his campaign for President. But I politely disagree with him on how this all plays out in the upcoming campaign.

Team McCain has held a conference call with prominent Bloggers this week (Feb 7th), the David All Group posted about it on their Blog (No I was not one of the Bloggers invited, darn!). The McCain folks realize just what Framer says, Blogs are an important part of a 21st Century Political campaign. Remember the Internet Groups from 2004 that helped President Bush win re-election?

The problem I see is that we Bloggers sometimes think what we write is important. I think it is, I read all the Blogs, most Bloggers do. But how many people really read these Blogs? I know here, we get an average of 500 hits a day, which is great, but in the huge realm of the Internet, it's nothing.

The next President is going to be faced with a great deal of tough decisions that must be made. Like him or not, Sen. McCain has never been one who is afraid to make the tough choice. For instance, look at McCain's stance on
'Earmarks'. This has been a 20+ year crusade that Sen. McCain has fought for, beginning back when he was a Congressman.

That is just one example of many that make Sen. McCain the best candidate to face off against Sen. H. Rotten Clinton, the Dems anointed choice at this time. Blogs will definitely be an important part of the 2008 campaign, but not the deciding factor. More on this in later posts....

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Republican version of 'John Kerry'?

Former MA governor Mitt Romney, in a story out today , strongly criticized campaign-finance regulations in a private meeting with House conservatives last week, once touted dramatic restructuring measures such as taxing political contributions and placing spending limits on federal campaigns.

Romney has also had to answer his 'flip/flop' on his abortion stance. Do you sense a pattern here? Some of Romney's defenders say he was just saying these things to get elected in a very Liberal state (MA). I don't buy it!

Sounds like Romney will say whatever it takes to get elected. Sen. John McCain is often criticized for his views, but at least the man sticks to them, unlike Mr. Romney.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Revenge of the Sith!

A Follow up on yesterday's brilliant post here by AZ_Conservative, this idea of "screening" PC's is nothing new. Emperor Rob Haney has been said to have done this before in recruiting PC's. Posts asking what kind of "questions" may be asked? A couple of examples might be: "Are you a Christian" or "Are you Pro-Life"? Now it looks like Lyle "Darth" Tuttle, newly elected Chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Party is going to follow orders and implement this for appointed PC's. Not to worry, if they turn down PC "applications"(we all know they will), you can then go to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors and get that board to appoint you. The problem is, that takes time and according to some of the rumors out there, there may be some action to take out District Chairs who aren't on the Emperor's Team?

Funny, I received a call like this from "Darth" Tuttle last Sunday during the Halftime of the Super Bowl....

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


You heard it here!

Maricopa County GOP Chairman, Lyle Tuttle, has appointed At-Large Member Ken Going, to head the committee to interview/screen and approve precinct committeeman applications.

Just wondering if they will use gestapo tactics in the interview process.

Here's to genetically engineering the "grass" in "grassroots".

GC Pachyderm Club Meeting - Thursday Feb 8th -7:00pm - David Gonzales US Marshal

The Grand Canyon Pachyderm Club is holding their next meeting this Thursday, February 8th @ the Arizona American/Italian Club .

Dinner - 6:00pm ($ 9.00 Buffet)

Meeting - 7:00pm Sharp

Special Guest this month is DAVID GONZALES - US Marshall - Arizona:

Appointed U.S. Marshal by President George W. Bush. His appointment was recommended by Arizona Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl.Before his appointment as the U.S. Marshal, David Gonzales' prior experience was with:
Arizona Department of Public Safety, Phoenix, AZCommander, Chief of StaffAugust 1995 to April 2002
Managed the operations of the Criminal Investigation Division. The Division was comprised of 350 detectives assigned statewide to the following units: Narcotics, Organized Crime, Gang Enforcement, Auto Theft, Intelligence, Special Operations (SWAT, canine, bomb disposal) and Governor Protection. The annual operating budget for the division was $17 Million.Coordinated the handling of criminal issues throughout the State of Arizona and managed investigations using available resources, personnel and budget. Was also the liaison between the Department and the legislative and executive branches of government for issues affecting the Department’s criminal justice activities. Testified before the legislature on matters of concern to the Department.
Began career as a “beat” officer, became an undercover officer then moved up the ranks to assume command responsibilities for both the Organized Crime Bureau and the State Gang Task Force. Recognized nationally as an expert in the operation of multi-agency task forces, community and law enforcement activities to identify and reduce street gangs and identifying and investigating money laundering activities arising from criminal enterprises.

Come meet US Marshal David Gonzales. All are welcome!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Hunter vs. McCain

The chatter continues that Congressman Duncan Hunter's appearance, at Chairman Pullen's request, at the AZGOP Trunk and Tusk dinner is a slap at McCain and other Presidential aspirants after Pullen had publicly declared he would be neutral in the race for the nomination.

Obviously, many of the "anti-McCain" forces are backing Hunter - as evidenced by the manufactured "straw poll" at the Maricopa County GOP meeting a few weeks ago.

What many folks probably don't know, is that there has been a long-term feud between Hunter and Senator McCain on the issue of "pork-barrell" spending. To wit, McCain hates it, and Hunter uses it... proudly.

Anyone who wants to read the inside story about the types of activities that landed Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham in jail, just go here:

What you'll find is that Duncan Hunter has been doing a lot of the same type of stuff. Here is an excerpt from the article:

By then, the document conversion program was drawing fire from Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, who included it on a list of $5.5 billion "objectionable" earmarks that Congress had tacked onto the military budget.
In July 1997, McCain accused the Senate Armed Services Committee and the House National Security Committee, where both Hunter and Cunningham sat, of "virtually ignoring the request of the Pentagon and impeding the military's ability to channel resources where they are most needed."
McCain said that "with military training exercises continuing to be cut, backlogs in aircraft and ship maintenance, flying hour shortfalls, military health care underfunded by $600 million, and 11,787 service members reportedly on food stamps," Congress should not be funding "a plethora of programs not requested by the Defense Department."
McCain was largely ignored. Three months later, Congress earmarked $20 million for document conversion systems. The earmarks hit $25 million the next year, including ADCS' biggest project: a $9.7 million contract to digitize documents in the Panama Canal Zone, which was to be handed to Panama in 1999.

The irony is that those supporting Hunter claim to be those who want to get the party back to the basics: accountability, ethics, less spending, etc. What they have done, however, is let their hatred of McCain severely cloud their view of who Duncan Hunter really is - an unapologetic pork spender who engages in questionable requests of the behalf of friends and donors. Isn't that part of why Republicans lost the majority?

HARRY SWEENEY, Middle East expert, to be Special Guest @ LD-9 Meeting Feb 12th

Harry Sweeney is retired from two careers and started a third. He spent 20 years in military intelligence, mostly in Asia, and he also retired as Chief, Region III, U.S. Department of Education. Harry managed Title IV, Student Financial Assistance, for six States.

At present Harry Sweeney is an Islamic scholar. Since 9/11 he has studied Islam (Qur’an, Hadiths, Islamic Law, Islamic philosophy) and have been writing essays and articles about Iran and Wahhabis, Palestine, Arab Studies, and about Europe’s immigration problems. He also has been presenting Islamic material on a weekly basis for
“Inside Politics with Clancy Jayne”, a local radio show on KFNX. He is scheduled to give a speech in Glendale on February 12, subject: The North American Union, and has been asked to provide staff training on the subject of “Understanding Islam” to Glendale GOP. Dr. Steve Carol, Senior Fellow, Center for Advanced Middle East Studies and Harry have worked together on “Inside Politics”. And Dr. Carl Goldberg, an advanced Islamic analyst, and Harry Sweeney work closely together on almost a daily basis, discussing and analyzing current problems in Islam.

Monday, February 12 2007 @ 06:30 PM MST - 08:30PM

Glendale Public Library Auditorium59th Ave. and BrownSouth of Peoria Ave. on 59th Ave.Glendale, AZ

Legislative District 9 Republican Party presents Harry Sweeney, expert on the North American Union For more information, contact Ray Spitzer at: