Recent articles in the 'New York Times' and 'The Nation', both Ultra-Liberal publications, attempt to derail the Presidential aspirations of our Senator, John McCain. (Sorry, I will not link to these 'articles' - they are linked on other blogs: Espresso Pundit, Sonoran Alliance, and Hot AZ It Gets)
Just who gave the interviews to these two liberal rags? 'The Nation' interviewed Emperor Rob Haney, District 11 Chairman. 'The New York Times' interviewed Lyle 'Darth' Tuttle, Chairman of the Maricopa Republican Party. Tuttle said this in his interview:
"The chairman of the local Republican Party here in the most populous county in Arizona has in his possession a bright yellow button with a black line slashed through the name McCain.
'A straw poll conducted by the Maricopa County Republican Committee put Senator John McCain of Arizona behind a lesser-known opponent', says Lyle Tuttle, the committee chairman. The results have been disputed.
“I don’t wear it out very often,” said the chairman, Lyle Tuttle of the Maricopa County Republican Committee, in a slightly sheepish coda to a 20-minute vituperation about the state’s senior senator, served up from his living room chair.
“I think those who do not support Senator McCain,” Mr. Tuttle continued, “if they could just get the word out and help people to understand what has happened with him, we could have an impact.”
Emperor Haney, too busy bashing Sen. McCain when he should have been doing his job (the two GOP State Legislators in his district were defeated in 2006, and now a democrat has one of the seats), has long been known as a 'RINO Killer'. Looking at the LD-11 bylaws, it says clearly:
Section A. The objectives of the District shall be:
1. To elect Republican legislators in District 11;
2. To elect Republican candidates at all levels;
3. To promote an informed electorate through political education;
4. To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to maintain and promote its principles;
5. To increase the effectiveness of Republican workers in the cause of good government through active political participation;
6. To promote Republican awareness and support Republican appointments to appointed offices, commissions, and committees, at all levels.
I wonder if former Reps Hassellbrock & Allen think the Emperor did his 'job'?
Why did Haney & Tuttle go to the Liberal Media? They both claim to be conservatives? I think its time to realize that they are the "REAL" RINO's, using their office to attempt to bring down a good Republican like Sen. McCain....
1 comment:
Now Tony this is not totally accurate. Did you know that the PC's that were back by McCain didn't show to the county meeting at all. Secondly Allen was beaten in the PRimary by Driggs and Hasselbrock. Allen wasn't working on his re-election and took his position for granted. Another reason Hasslebrock wasn't elected was the Driggs the other Republican in the race was telling all his supporters in the general election to still single shot him. Many Republicans in the District 11 wasted a vote that should have gone to Hasselbrock. I also know on election day a large number of district 11 PC were out working the polls.
Actually I just saw Hasselbrock and he knows that Haney did everything he could. It was Driggs that wasn't the team player in this mix.
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