Arizona has received 150,000 more residents every year and 5 years ago the majority of them starting moving here from California.
So then Carl Seel shows up. From what the Google search shows, arrived from California with no skills or talent.
That has been proven when one studies the history of the Seel's Arizona residence time.
First thing out of the gate he runs for a State Wide office because Carl Seel did not have the residence time to run for the Legislature. This was such a driven opportunity, raising some $2,061.80 ( insert #200493127) is all that could be contributed to support this run for office. Carl Seel told the Arizona Republic when asked "Why are you running for the Corporation Commission?" "Because I do not have the residence time required to run for the Legislature" answered Seel. What a telling example to the future of this short time Arizonan and Political RINO.
The next elected office run involved taking $53,149.34 ( insert #200693289) of Taxpayers hard earned Money to fund his self- serving run for elected office that resulted in a dismal last place finish (page 8)result and total lack of voter support.
The mentioned signatures gathering efforts in the response posting must of been a reflect of simpler thoughts. As Carl Seel could not even get elected to be a State Committee person from all these signatures he gathered when he was working for the Party & Legislative District 6.
A father with three children normally works on concerns of those children like Pop Warner, Little League, PTA or Boy Scouts. The YMCA or Boys Clubs are always in need of Parent evolvement and support.
But what does this father spend all his time and energy on efforts that only offer some kind of simple minded political evolvement that has no impact on anything but filing his Bank Account with Taxpayers Funds.
Horst Kraus has always been management and anyone who suggests that he is a Union Hack is really showing their lack of Business sense; not to point out that Mr. Kraus has worked to support his family and all his neighbors in many different communities efforts.
Serving as a officer in Several Social Clubs and Community organizations, provided his swimming pool to teach the community young people how to swim and perhaps not drown or have a mishap that Arizona leads the Country in.
Financial support of candidates is a key element of our Political process and volunteering is something that all of the Kraus family has done while being a maximum contributor to candidates they support.
So "Seel" the Johnny come lately from California, with no knowledge of the community needs, and his efforts are just what can be done to benefit this RINO and his lack of any business or Political history is sure very obvious with the responses Seel and his few other RINOS make on a regular basis. Thank you Politico Mafioso" for your Blog that gets the truth out on these, the "REAL RINOS".
One is normally judged by the Company ones keeps. One only needs to spend, a few minutes in the Maricopa County Republican office to learn why they are not able to raise any money or accomplish anything but lose 7 seats in the recent Legislative election. Not to say how a Liberal democrat Governor was re-elected in a Republican state with the Strong "REAL RINO" Leadership that the Republican Party seems to be lead by.
Don Vito Corleone
"The Godfather"
1 comment:
Hahahahahaha,I like your first comment!!! Don't ask me how I found this.... what's up?!?!?
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