Friday, February 09, 2007

Why John McCain will be the next President despite the Bloggers...Part 1

Framer over @
the Arizona 8th Blog has an excellent post today about the Bloggers and John McCain. He is dead on in his article, the Blogoshphere does NOT support Sen. John McCain in his campaign for President. But I politely disagree with him on how this all plays out in the upcoming campaign.

Team McCain has held a conference call with prominent Bloggers this week (Feb 7th), the David All Group posted about it on their Blog (No I was not one of the Bloggers invited, darn!). The McCain folks realize just what Framer says, Blogs are an important part of a 21st Century Political campaign. Remember the Internet Groups from 2004 that helped President Bush win re-election?

The problem I see is that we Bloggers sometimes think what we write is important. I think it is, I read all the Blogs, most Bloggers do. But how many people really read these Blogs? I know here, we get an average of 500 hits a day, which is great, but in the huge realm of the Internet, it's nothing.

The next President is going to be faced with a great deal of tough decisions that must be made. Like him or not, Sen. McCain has never been one who is afraid to make the tough choice. For instance, look at McCain's stance on
'Earmarks'. This has been a 20+ year crusade that Sen. McCain has fought for, beginning back when he was a Congressman.

That is just one example of many that make Sen. McCain the best candidate to face off against Sen. H. Rotten Clinton, the Dems anointed choice at this time. Blogs will definitely be an important part of the 2008 campaign, but not the deciding factor. More on this in later posts....

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