Saturday, February 10, 2007

Wanna Be Sheriff, Democrat Dan Saban claims to have GOP support?

Buckeye Chief of Police and Wanna Be Maricopa County Sheriff candidate Dan Saban claims in a e-mail today that he has:

"Republicans for Dan Saban? Yes, we have been approached by several prominent Republicans who have expressed their blessings. This is a critical development because public safety issues affect us all"

This will be an interesting development since the recent Bylaw change by the Maricopa County Republican Committee:

Article VI - Executive Guidance Committee
Section 5 - Elections Neutrality, B. Endorsements of Non-Republican Candidates
"No member of the EGC shall lend an endorsement to a non-Republican candidate in ANY election"
'Should a MCRC member endorse a non-Republican, that MCRC member will lose voting privileges, including proxies, for the rest of his/her term.'

This should be a strong test of this new "law of the land", since some of those who supported Saban were the same ones who composed and got this Bylaw passed....more to come....


PoliticalKiddo said...

I supported Dan Saban in the past but now that he has crossed over to the darkside (Just thought I should keep the Star Wars thing going) I can't and won't support him. He'll just have to work this road alone.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I will not change over to the other side to vote for Dan -- his choice - his loss. sorry Dan -- unless you make it to the "big" election - you'll lose my vote and I will just have to 'no vote' for sheriff if Arpaio is my only choice for a Rep candidate.