Tuesday, February 13, 2007

And the TRUTH will set you free....

Great comment yesterday by Gordon James, husband of Lisa James, the former candidate for AZ Republican Party Chairman, on the 'Sonoran Alliance' Blog. Mr. James said the following:

"Just for the record our firm does not do much political work and we are not strategists. We have never managed a campaign but have been involved in all six national presidential campaigns where either 41 or 43 has run. Luckily they won five out of six.
We have been working and volunteering for the Bush family for almost 30 years. When we were asked by the Mayor’s group to help with fundraising in the Southwest we were honored to say yes.

I personally think that Mayor Giuliani is a man of integrity who will make a great President.As far as I know Lisa has yet to make a commitment to any candidate and is enjoying her time with the children.
I am sure when the time comes she will jump in with both feet to support the Republican nominee. "

Finally, the truth has come out! Some of the Bloggers tried to tie Lisa James to Sen. John McCain, time, & time, & time, & time, & time again.
Those who know Lisa James knew the truth already. She was NOT part of the McCain campaign. Guess some will attempt to do anything to win?

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