Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Breath of Fresh Air.....

We have received many phone calls & e-mails from LD-6 Precinct Committeeman concerning the recent District 6 meeting last Monday evening. New Chairman DAVE BRASWELL and his Executive Board put together an excellent presentation called, "Stampede of GOP Elephants". Braswell was criticized on another Blog earlier this week for his Newsletter to District PC's.Here is one of the e-mails we received:

"LD-6 is back on the move, Monday saw a great Start-Up meeting, the first after the State and County mandatory meeting and they hit the ground running.The visual display illustrated the strong as well as the week precincts and the white elephants in the picture denote the precincts that have PC representation.
Many of the Captains picked up their walking lists and promised to recruit hard working Republicans in their precincts to fill the vacant spots for PC appointments.
Chairman Braswell assured his PC’s and the attending guests and dignitaries that will no rest until every precinct is adequately represented with willing-to-work PC’s and PC Captains.
The meeting ran on overtime because of the extensive agenda and work-in-progress.
Spin around those statements.
The 2 grand daughters of one of the LD-6 officers, one who is an elected PC herself came home from college for the meeting and another one who is about to start a T.A. R.S. group in her H. School attended the front desk as “Greeters” and quickly sold out all available raffle tickets for the “Pot-of-Gold” and several other prizes.
It was a remarkable success!"

Dan Nichols, 1st Vice Chairman of the Maricopa County Republicans said, " This was a wonderful visual illustration that hopefully can be used in other Districts".

District 6 has a new PA System with a portable microphone that allows more input from the PC's during meetings. Looks like LD-6 is back on the path that made it the "Best District in Arizona" back in 2004. Congratulations to Dave Braswell and the entire LD-6 Family!

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