Sunday, November 01, 2009

POLITICO MAFIOSO THE WEEK IN REVIEW - Week Ending October 31, 2009

ICYMI - Here is the entire week's worth of posts on Politico Mafioso:

Saturday, October 31, 2009

3-D Halloween-Themed Obamacare Ad

Obamacare: Startling New Revelations Scare Public

Public Option Titanic Strikes Iceberg, Fleeing Senators Take to the Lifeboats By Robert Romano

Dithering Heights By William Warren!

Congressman Franks: 'New' Democrat Health Care Plan Just More of the Same Failed Ideas

Governor Jan Brewer Announces New Deputy General Counsel, Deputy State Land Commissioner


Friday, October 30, 2009

Match Michael Steele
TS Health Care Review Board "Twitter Storm" #ocb50

Reid's Bait-And-Switch Tactics By DICK MORRIS

Town Halls with Senator John McCain Friday, October 30, 2009 at 2:00pm & Saturday, October 31, 2009 at 10:00am

Congressman John Shadegg - Immunity for Insurers Who Wrongfully Deny Care?

Congressman Trent Franks Endorses Hoffman in NY-23 Race

ALG to House on Public Option: "Where Do You Stand?"

10 Facts Every American Should Know About Speaker Pelosi's 1,990-Page Gov't Takeover of Health Care

"1,990 Pages of Bureaucracy "

Thursday, October 29, 2009

DEMS in US House Unveil Plan With Public Option, Wealth Tax
The Facts: Obama's Socialist Past

REMINDER: TONIGHT Andrew Thomas for Attorney General Exploratory Committee Fundraiser - Oct. 29 at the home of Jason Rose

Flu Shot Shortage Shows Govt. Incompetence By DICK MORRIS & EILEEN MCGANN

Obama's Swine Emergency By William Warren!

Pelosi Tax Doublespeak

Congressman Trent Franks Opposes Medicare Cuts, Says H.R. 3200 Will Hurt Seniors

2nd annual dogathon ™ 2009 Sat Oct 31 - Sun Nov 1, 2009!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Obama's European Embarrassment

ALG Denounces "Public Option Opt-Out" as a "Scam," Praises Senator Lieberman for Filibuster Promise

ICYMI: Trent Franks Criticizes H.R. 3200's Cuts to Seniors' Medicare Coverage

Tax refugees staging escape from New York By ANDY SOLTIS - The New York Post

Pro Life: Heartbeat presented by Save 50 Million

Conservatives Maintain Edge as Top Ideological Group by Lydia Saad

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Press Release: FREE SPEECH ISSUE - from Michael Anthony Scerbo MCAO PIO
Obama Taxes Pacemakers, Heart Valves By DICK MORRIS & EILEEN MCGANN

Obama Czars Refuse to Testify in Congress

Health Care Reform - Rasmussen Reports

Big Government Dips into Blogosphere By Adam Bitely

All Trick & No Treat in NY-23 By William Warren!

Special Report: A Clear-Eyed View of the Obama Regime By Bill Wilson

Monday, October 26, 2009

Obama Continues Vindictive War On FOX
The Media Reacts to Obama Impeachment Campaign

What a phone call for ObamaCare may sound like in the future


Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to receive 2009 John F. Long Lifetime Achievement Award from the Phoenix Business Journal

Governor Brewer's Public Schedule for the Week Beginning Monday, October 26, 2009

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