Monday, October 26, 2009

The Media Reacts to Obama Impeachment Campaign

The media reacts to Impeachment

By Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, WorldNetDaily

It has been a wild two weeks since we announced the new website on the pages of WorldNetDaily.

A firestorm has been ignited in the blogosphere, on talk radio and in the media over the issue.

The debate has been so feverish that one liberal blogger has even labeled Floyd, "the most dangerous man in America."

We thought it was time to review their arguments.

Most of the liberal blogs ignored the charges outlined against President Obama. Instead, they attempted to deflect issue questions by attacking WorldNetDaily, Joseph Farah, or Floyd.

This is clearly the case on Huffington Post, which wrote:
"WorldNetDaily -the hard-right website that has trafficked
the most outlandish rumors about the Obama presidency, including pushing the 'birther' conspiracy - is now circulating an article suggesting that the president should be booted from office. The effort is being spearheaded by the longtime GOP operative Floyd Brown, who has launched his own online Impeach Obama Campaign. On Thursday, Floyd took to WND to ask: 'Is it time to whisper the word "impeachment"?'"
Rachel Maddow on MSNBC echoed Huffington Post as she ranted for over seven minutes about the new campaign.

We expected these attacks, but the more unexpected attacks were from some conservative blogs, the largest being Here, Ed Morrissey opined,
"When the grass roots come together for events like Western CPAC, it usually brings together a great deal of energy as well as a wide idea (sic) of ideas, some better than others.

One of the worst- and worst defended -ideas at WCPAC comes from Floyd Brown, whose is one of the sponsors for this event. In his speech this morning, Brown misstates history, draws ridiculous parallels to the Nazi era and takes the wrong lessons from the Clinton impeachment, which at least had the virtue of coming from an actual impeachable offense."

The most disappointing part of the Morrissey comments is his lack of interest in the driving issues. Instead of tackling the real issues that are compelling activists to call for impeachment, he tried to dispute peripheral issues of the process.

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