Friday, October 30, 2009

Congressman Trent Franks Endorses Hoffman in NY-23 Race

October 29, 2009 - Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) today released the following statement announcing his endorsement of Doug Hoffman in the race for the open Congressional seat in New York's 23rd District:

"Though I may occasionally differ with a Republican candidate on his or her positions on various issues, I have long believed that the reality of our two-party system dictates it is almost always wisest for conservatives, as well as moderate Republicans, to unite behind the Republican Primary Nominee in order to most effectively attain a numerical Majority that allows us as a party to continue to defend the Constitutional principles that made our nation exceptional.

"When conservative candidates lose in a Republican primary and then run as a third party candidate in the general election, they almost always end up splitting the Republican vote, allowing the Democrat to win and badly hurting the very causes they sought to protect.

"Thus, I have traditionally never supported third party candidates and have instead given my support to the Republican candidate in any general race.

"But in the race for New York's 23rd Congressional seat, I must make an exception.

"The Republican Party has consistently included within
its official platform statements acknowledging society's (and the party's) responsibility to defend those who cannot defend themselves, including unborn babies— even if our very own Supreme Court deems them less than human.

"By nominating Dede Scozzafava, the county party chairs within the 23rd District have chosen a candidate who is radically out of the mainstream on issues that constitute the core of the Republican Party's principles and, just as concerning, someone who does not reflect the values of the 23rd District's constituents.

"In choosing a candidate who, by many accounts, is actually more liberal than her Democrat opponent, and has been endorsed by the most radical groups like ACORN, Planned Parenthood, and the Daily Kos, the local party has recklessly forced voters to choose between voting on a party line or voting on their deepest principles. While desiring to avoid setting a precedent for potential third-party candidates in the future, in this particularly unique case, I am convinced it is necessary to set aside party affiliation and support the candidate that actually reflects the values and principles that make the Republican Party and America herself great.

"While there is room for disagreement on ancillary issues within the Republican party, we must never forget that the principle that gave our Party birth was a compassion for and commitment to protect a class of people the U.S. Supreme Court said was not human. The fervor of that commitment sustained us in the crucible of a horrible civil war. If, in the 21st century, the Republican party should make the tragic mistake of forsaking the defenseless unborn, no measure of success on other fronts, electoral or otherwise, can stop the slide of our party into moral and political oblivion.

"The ghost of the Whig party stands in the shadows of history in stark witness to us all.

"For all these reasons I am pleased to announce my endorsement of Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman -- the only candidate in the race who accurately represents the values we continue to cherish so deeply as Republicans and who I believe will continue to honor and remain true to those ideals in the United States Congress."

Congressman Franks is serving his fourth term in the U.S. House of Representatives, and is a member of the Committee on Armed Services, Strategic Forces Subcommittee, Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee, Military Readiness Subcommittee, Committee on the Judiciary, Constitution Subcommittee, and is Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law.

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