Late last week, former Arizona Republican
Party Chairman, Randy Pullen, send this e-mail out to
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Randy Pullen <>
Date: Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 10:03 AM
Subject: AZGOP Chairman Unilaterally Changes Platform on Illegal Immigration
To: "" <>
From: Randy Pullen <>
Date: Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 10:03 AM
Subject: AZGOP Chairman Unilaterally Changes Platform on Illegal Immigration
To: "" <>
Executive Committee,
past Sunday on 12 News Square Off (Here is the link ),
Wikfors, the
Communications Director for the AZGOP effectively changed our party’s position
on illegal immigration. He
condoned President Obama’s action of last Friday. He went on to state that the
position of the party needs to change. When questioned on it, he
stated that this is the position of Chairman Morrissey and Russell Pearce.
While I do not know Tom Morrissey’s position, I know that Russell Pearce does
not agree to changing his
on this important issue.
our border and ending employment of illegal immigrants in the workplace are the
key points in our STATE and RNC platforms. I have attached the section of the
national platform on illegal immigration, most of which I wrote in 2008. It is
clear what our position is.
is my understanding that this
is the position of Governor
as well as the Governor of Arizona.
Many of us have worked long and hard to establish our position on illegal
immigration and build a consensus in the Party.
It is not up to Shane Wikfors or Chairman Morrissey to unilaterally change
Morrissey needs to clarify his position on this issue. If he stands by what
Shane has said, he needs to resign his position
if he disavows the statement by Shane, then Shane should be terminated
immediately as Communications Director. There is no excuse for misrepresenting
so emphatically the position of the Chairman on such an important issue in
We here at PM haven't always agreed
with former Chairman Pullen, but we sure do on
Politico Mafioso was the First to call for Shane Wikfors to resign last
Look at this 'back & forth' between Pullen and Wikfors
on Facebook:

Wikfors Pay special attention to the paragraph titled "Embracing
Immigrant Communities."

Pullen Apparently Shane, you do not know the difference between a
legal immigrant and an illegal one. For clarification, a legal immigrant is one
who waits in line for several years for the opportunity to emigrate to our
country. They are given what is known as a green card to show they are here
legally. Illegal immigrants sneak into the country or do not leave the country
when their temporary visa expires. In order to work, they steal someone's
identity or buy fake identification.

Wikfors Randy, I do know the difference. However we're talking about
children who were brought into this country (or born here) without their consent
or knowledge. The US Congress, NOT the President, needs to address how these
people are classified. Senator Kyl, Marco Rubio, David Schweikert and a whole
lotta of Republicans realize this as well. Please tell me you are not going to
break up families, round up non-criminals and deport them. This Party is a party
of the rule of law but we are also a party that welcomes people who follow our
laws. Read the second part of this party plank. Governor Mitt Romney
acknowledged that yesterday at NALEO.

Pullen Shane, you can try to twist the language anyway you would like
in order to try and justify your gross error in stating the Party's position.
You are just flat wrong. Since you are not backing down from what you have said,
I assume you are speaking for Chairman Morrissey. Again, nether you nor he have
the right to change the Party's position on this issue. This is something the
members of the RNC and State Committeemen have all ready decided. If you want to
change the position, then call a meeting and present the new platform. I just
hope you all can do a better job of managing the meeting than you demonstrated
in May.

Wikfors Randy, No one has changed the party's position. Chairman
Morrissey will issue a statement soon. AND, the entire Republican Party (via the
platform committee) will take up the issue of immigration on its agenda at the
convention. I believe they will reaffirm the platform but emphasize how the GOP
messages to Latinos. Next time you send out an email to the GOP universe, try
including me in the recipients, please.
Mr. Pullen then sent out this
Subject: Chairman's New Position on Illegal Immigration
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2012 00:27:34 +0000
Subject: Chairman's New Position on Illegal Immigration
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2012 00:27:34 +0000
Executive Committee Members,
have enclosed a copy of the Yellow Sheet story regarding Shane Wikfors’
statements last Sunday on Square Off and subsequent remarks he made this week.
It appears that Chairman Morrissey does agree with his Communications Director’s
position on changing our party’s position on illegal immigration.
The AZ Capitol Times Yellow Sheet Report did an article
about this. Here is what they said:
Wikfors said that Morrissey “is
adamant about [the] need to adjust our messaging,” especially heading into this
election, because polls show that voters are very concerned about jobs, but not
concerned about immigration. “I think Republicans need to get ahead of the
president on this issue,” he added, explaining that doing so will show Hispanics
that the GOP is inclusive. Wikfors even went so far as to say, in response to a
question from fellow panelist and Republic columnist Laurie Roberts, that he
believes even Pearce would agree “to a large extent” with the sentiment. View
the video at:
Time for Shane Wikfors to go! He is
nothing but an embarrassment to the Arizona Republican
Thursday, June 21, 2012
AZGOP Chairman Unilaterally Changes Platform on Illegal Immigration - American Freedom by Barbara
Romney's Arizona Problem: Randy Pullen vs. Shane Wikfors (and Maybe Tom
Morrissey) - Phoenix News - Feathered
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