Monday, June 25, 2012

Despicable David Schweikert Severely Dishonest

Dave Schweikert is claiming Ben Quayle has shifted his position on immigration enforcement "180 degrees." There are in fact 180 degrees in play -- the same 180 degrees one usually finds between what the Schweikert campaign says on any given matter, and the truth.

Dishonest Dave is at it again. The Channel 12 interview, to which his email refers, is in its entirety right here for your viewing pleasure.

As you see in that video, Congressman Quayle very plainly states (as he has for three years) why amnesty is out of the question and why no discussion of resolutions for people brought to the US illegally as children and now living here otherwise lawfully can be forged until border security is in place and real immigration enforcement established. He then also discusses some of the concepts that have been raised for resolution of some such cases, but states clearly that he hasn't yet seen any proposal not beset with loopholes and worthy of support.

You don’t earn the ranking as the Most Conservative Member in the House, as Ben Quayle has, by supporting amnesty.

It is preposterous and frankly, hypocritical, for the Schweikert campaign to attempt to falsify Congressman Quayle’s record on border security enforcement and immigration policy when Quayle has received the highest grade on immigration enforcement in the Arizona delegation by NumbersUSA, the esteemed immigration enforcement advocacy group.

So once again Dishonest Dave has attempted to mislead, or simply lied to the voters.

His deceptions are always self-serving, and in this case perhaps he hopes to prevent voters from noticing the legislation he hurriedly introduced on immigration enforcement, after pushing out a comically errant press release that referred to President Obama's Immigration "Executive Order" no fewer than four times. In fact there was no executive order. There was an announced policy-- a policy that makes a mockery of present federal immigration law, flouts the separation of powers delineated in the US Constitution, and panders to a constituency which Obama is desperate to draw to his fading campaign.

But the release was a good match for Congressman Schweikert's legislation, which is also an error-riddled and otherwise defective device. And please don't take our word for it; you can read about it right here in the Wall Street Journal, which quite accurately called Dishonest Dave's bill "incoherent."

There is nothing new about these dishonest tactics from the Schweikert campaign. Dave began this race by lying about who was running in his own district. Contrary to what Dave said, newly drawn CD 6 is 67 percent Ben Quayle's current district, and only 30 percent Schweikert's. Sixty percent of Dave's current district is in newly drawn district 9. Dave neglected to mention that.

Later Dave and his campaign lied about having sent a spy to fraudulently volunteer for the Quayle campaign, who was immediately thereafter found in the Schweikert campaign office, along with 18 Quayle signs. After the identity of the would-be spy was revealed they shifted their story to say she was underage and could not be bothered to explain her behavior. Then, they shifted back to original lie and claimed it never happened. You can read all about that here.

So, dishonestly characterizing Ben's position on illegal immigration by fraudulently excerpting an interview is nothing new; this is business as usual for Dishonest Dave. It is the one thing the voters can apparently count on from this error-prone and truth-challenged candidate.

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