Thursday, December 02, 2010


In the LD-20 Election last night, Chairman ANTHONY MILLER won re-election! 

With Fuhrer Rob Haney, Sheriff Joe & the rest of the Wackos there to trying to defeat him, Miller "Kicked Their Asses" to win his 2nd term.

Anthony Miller is one of the most dedicated, hard working Republicans I know!  He ran Sen. McCain's Lake Havasu City Office during the Primary; during the General he ran the 'Victory 2010' Mesa Headquarters.  NO ONE worked harder than Anthony Miller during the 2010 election season!

John Rhodes won re-election last night as the Graham County GOP Chairman!  Rhodes won easily despite efforts from ethically challenged Sen. "EARTH TO SYLVIA " Allen to derail his chairmanship! 

Rhodes, who has taken a Dem County & turned it into a GOP County, won high praise earlier this year from the RNC! 

Congratulations to Chairman Miller & Rhodes for their decisive victories!

In the LD-15 election, soon-to-be Former Executive Director of the AZ GOP BRETT MECUM lost his bid to become Treasurer (Thank God)!  Mecum's scandal ridden term as ED has made him the laughing stock of Republicans everywhere!

Fortunately the PC's of LD-11 rid us of this disaster. 

Hey Brett, I hear McDonald's is hiring!

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