Friday, July 20, 2007

The McCain Update - July 20, 2007

Early this week, John McCain kept up his campaign momentum with a swing through New Hampshire for a series of Town Hall meetings with primary voters. He then flew cross-country to California to address a business forum in Silicon Valley before hopping a plane back to Washington where he participated in the Senate slumber party. Giving a rousing speech in support of our servicemen and women at 3:45 in the morning, John remarked,
"I have one responsibility that outweighs all the others - and that is to do
everything in my power, to use whatever meager talents I possess, and every
resource God has granted me to protect the security of this great and good
nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. And that I intend to do."
Next week, look for John to address the Southwest Michigan Economic Club, where he will deliver his message of fiscal responsibility and government reform. He'll then head to New Hampshire to participate in a "Meet The Candidates" forum with the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce. For more information, log on to and please be sure to forward this newsletter on to family, friends, and fellow John McCain supporters.

"History will revere the honor and the sacrifice of those
Americans, who despite the mistakes and failures of both civilian and military
leaders, shouldered a rifle and risked everything - everything - so that the
country they love so well might not suffer the many dangerous consequences of

- John McCain's Remarks On The Senate Floor

Leadership In The War Against Islamic Fundamentalism

John McCain On The Senate Floor...

Power Line Blog Calls McCain "A Man Address[ing] The Boys": "McCain's statement is ... the definitive statement of where we are now and where we need to go in Iraq." - Power Line Blog, 7/18/07

John McCain:

"Many of my colleagues would like to believe that, should the withdrawal
amendment we are currently debating become law, it would mark the end of this
long effort. They are wrong. Should the Congress force a precipitous withdrawal
from Iraq, it would mark a new beginning, the start of a new, more dangerous,
and more arduous effort to contain the forces unleashed by our

Read more here...

Standing Firm With America's Allies

John McCain Spoke To The Christians United For Israel Seminar

John McCain's Message:
"I'd like to remind you there was another time in America's history,
back in the 1970's when we lost another war, and we lost it and it took our
military a long time to recover. ... My dear friends, out of the West came the
governor of California. A man who knew that the Berlin Wall was going to come
down, who knew that the Cold War was going to be won, that our Judeo-Christian
principled nation was still the best in the world and we're still a beacon of
hope and liberty and freedom all over the world. And my friends, that's true
today, that's as true today as it was then."
Watch John McCain's Remarks

Strength In Early Primary States

Sen. McCain has received the most in contributions from South Carolina voters, demonstrating his strong grassroots support in the early primary state. - The Associated Press, 7/18/07 John McCain also was the top recipient of Nevada donations in the second quarter of presidential fundraising. - Las Vegas Review Journal, 7/17/07
On The Record

What They're Saying

The National Review says John McCain's leadership in the War on Terror earns him the title "Statesman McCain" - The National Review, 7/17/07

McClatchy Newspapers Says "There's No Quit In GOP's McCain." "Two things to know about John McCain as his presidential campaign rides the razor's edge: If there were an ounce of quit in him, he would have died in a Hanoi prison 40 years ago." - McClatchy Newspapers, 7/16/07

Read more on the record...

Did You Know...

Fun Facts About John McCain

John McCain's favorite movies include "Letters from Iwo Jima" and "Some Like it Hot." His favorite actors include Marlon Brando and Marilyn Monroe.

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