Laws Restricting Guns Misfire: What do these statistics tell us? Restrictive and needless legislation does nothing to prevent violence. Erecting unnecessary roadblocks (i.e. gun control) to legal gun ownership only hurts, and at times dissuades, the law-abiding citizen. More importantly such laws do nothing to impede the criminal, because criminals do not adhere to the law. This is why lawmakers would better serve and protect those of us in Connecticut if they sought to address and remedy the destructive culture in our cities and elsewhere. Destroy this mindset as opposed to devising harmful legislation that does nothing to solve the true ills that plague certain communities, which are the real reasons why violence is occurring in the first place.
"As long as we have left-leaning authorities orHJS
self-serving, law-enforcement with conflicts of interest, we will have attacks
against our rights to self-defense. Some law enforcement folks believe
that they would be safer with fewer guns on the street, others know
better. If a state leaves it up to law enforcement to make the decisions
on who can and who can't have firearms, those state authorities are abrogating
their responsibilities and are transferring "blame" on law enforcement whenever
problems occur.
With a leftist political party, it is altogether
different. It has nothing to do with public safety or weapons; they do not
want you making a crucial life-or-death decision individually. You may be
the only one there with the criminal(s), no police, no witnesses--just
you. The only chance you have to save your life is to draw and fire a
weapon you have practiced with 100 or more times. But just yesterday,
someone signed a piece of paper that removed that life-saving device from your
hip. The person without even knowing you or caring, transferred the
life-or-death decision from you to the criminal(s).
Why? Because in their psyche "good order" demands that good
people are good and criminals are bad (but not all bad). If a good person
shoots a criminal, the person is not good anymore. Hence, some prosecutors
salivate at the possibility of convicting a good guy for shooting a bad
guy. How dare a good citizen shoot a criminal! How dare they become
judge, jury, and executioner (all in the space of a half-second when their lives
are at stake). And isn't that what the criminals do, except they cut out
the judge and jury?
I could go on, but you good guys already
know all of this and the bad guys could care less. But know this:
anyone who takes away your right to self-defense is no better than the person
who benefits from it. As John Donne advised, society does not benefit from
good people dying, it is diminished by it."
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