Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Holy Hyperbole!

Last week the Sonoran Alliance crew took the award for bed-wetting over the recent votes on Russell Pearce's latest anti-Brown People legislation.

Not to be outdone, The Ahwatukee Tea Party sent out a message this weekend from someone named Vera Heminger that says, in part:

Subject: ALERT -- Notification of State Senate Vote
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 23:34:35 -0700
From: Vera Heminger

Valued Constituents:

A very irate electorate from various precincts, legal immigrants and U.S. -born citizens alike, comprised both of Democrats, Independents and Republicans have brought the following issue to my attention with the request that it be forwarded to everyone.

It has also been brought to my attention that none of the Democrats in the Senate have broken ranks with respect to their socialist / communist agenda.

However, it has been painfully been pointed out to me, that Republicans have embraced Obama-approved socialist/communist agendas by joining ranks with the Democrats.

The Constituency feels that these legislators are not representing them, but rather have chosen to serve non-voter big-business corporations and special interests.

The Constituency feels that these legislators are not representing them, but rather have chosen to serve non-voter big-business corporations and special interests.

There is one more opportunity for these bills to be brought up for a vote again.

If you disagree with the Republican Senators who voted against the defeated bills, you need to contact the offending legislators and demand that they support these bills, while letting them know that you will not tolerate another no vote.

Their phone numbers and email addresses are given in this e-mail below or you may obtain them from the AZ Leg website. You can also use the website service Life, Liberty, Freedom to email all of the Arizona legislators for free.

The following links describe the situation:
The outrage of the Arizona public is at 71% -- very telling:

Letter to Pearce from CEOs & Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce identifying the special interest groups the offending Senators serve:

Emphasis mine. (The email continues with a recap of who voted against what and contact information for the Senators.)

So, in the world of the Ahwatukee Tea Party, voting (with the majority of other Arizona Senators, remember) against a potentially illegal Anchor Baby bill is akin to "embrac[ing] Obama-approved socialist/communist agendas."

What a bunch of RINO turncoats!!!!

Also note that they link to a KPHO.com article. The email implies that 71% of Arizona residents who were polled about the recent vote were "outraged" at how their Senators somehow sided with Obama.

Actually, that's not even remotely true. 71% of the people who clicked a button on the KPHO.com website selected "outraged" as the adjective that best described their reaction to the story. By the time I got to it, it was up to 73%!

But, this being an easily manipulatable internet poll, not a real poll, I quickly changed the numbers to reflect my personal opinion, bored:

So to recap, the Ahwatukee Tea Party thinks that any Republican who voted with the majority against these bills is embracing Obama-approved socialist/communist agendas, and they cite an internet poll to "prove" it.

And people wonder why I think the Tea Party is a bunch of amateur, uniformed rubes.

UPDATE: Ahwatukee Senator John McComish responded to the Tea Party's over the top rhetoric. Can you believe that they didn't even ask their elected representative for a response before attacking him publicly? I can.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [TTP meet] State Senate vote roundup on illegal immigration-related bills
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 20:58:59 -0700
From: Senator John McComish
To: meet@lists.tukeeteaparty.com, Ahwatukee TEA Party

I don't think I know Vera, but is it possible that she speaks for the entire Ahwatukee Tea Party?

The name calling is really over the line ("embraced Obama-approved socialist/communist agendas").

Since 12 of the 21 Repuublican Senators voted against at least one of the bills in question, you should consider that perhaps there was something wrong with the bills themselves. As a reminder, all of the 12 previously voted for SB1070 as well as for the earlier Employer Sanctions bill.

Senator John McComish

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