Friday, March 18, 2011

Turncoats? I don't think so.

The fake founding fathers that write everyone's favorite fake newspaper covering Arizona politics but based in Michigan are wetting their pants about some recent votes in the legislature.

A number of Republican Senators refused to sign on to Russell Pearce's jihad against anyone with brown skin, and logically voted against a series of joke bills that would have inevitably ended up in court and cost the state a ton of money it doesn't have. Apparently this makes them Turncoats.

There are 30 State Senators. 9 are Democrats. 21 are Republicans. 10 Republicans (or about half) voted against these measures. That means a solid majority (just shy of 2/3) of the Senate opposed these bills. How voting with the majority makes you a turncoat, I don't know- but there's a lot that I don't understand about the folks over at "common sense american post gazette from Michigan."
I guess turncoat is the new RINO...

Among those who voted against the bills (which were also opposed by the business community) was Steve Pierce, the Majority Whip, a.k.a the guy who counts the votes.
It's clear that there's more than a little dysfunction in the State Senate. But they elected a clown their leader. What did they expect?

I was under the impression that Arizona was in a severe budget crisis. I know that Arizona has more important things to focus on than "anchor baby" legislation that won't go anywhere.

When will Republicans wake up and stop electing ineffective amateurs to lead them?


Harrris Times said...

I am sorry but those who voted against the bills in question voted against the Citizens of Arizona and for cheap labor. It has nothing to do with race and I resent you stating "against brown skin". You are beginning to sound like the Arizona Republic which you so often critize. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. You cannot have it both ways. Big business coming out against these bills is a travisty...who every they are as they conveniently are never named. The cost to the Arizona tax payer for illegal aliens is far greater than the cost to set the playing field even for the Arizona tax payer and stop pandering to the illegals.

Tony GOPrano said...

TOTC has it right Mr. Harris! You ever heard of SB-1070?

Why, when there are many other pressing issues like the budget & economy that the Legislature is wasting time on these stupid 'Birther Issues'?

Time to get to work to fix the economy.

Ever had to make a payroll Mr. Harris? I did for 20+ years & NEVER hired illegals, didn't have to.

Anonymous said...

A few things.

1) I've never criticized the Republic.

2) Here are the business folk who came out against this joke legislation. 30 seconds on Google would have netted you this info.

3) Perception is reality. Russell Pearce is seen as a racist, foaming at the mouth nutcase to the vast majority of Arizona voters. That's why he's not running for U.S. Senate. If you or others really think (illegal) Anchor Baby legislation is the key to a better Arizona, you need to get a new poster boy who can sell it to the public.

Illegal immigration is an issue. It is not the only issue.

Anonymous said...

To clarify point one- I've obviously criticized individual stories in the Republic, but not them as an institution, and not on this blog (to the best of my recollection).

There is clearly such a thing as bias in the media, but too often "media bias" is used as an excuse by people who are unsophisticated and don't know how to interact with the press. (See Haney, Rob and Morrissey, Tom as two prime examples)

It's not the media that makes Russell Pearce look like a blathering idiot, it's his own actions.

Every Republic reporter I've met or worked with has been thoroughly decent and fair. They are just people. If you approach them with an attitude and a chip on your shoulder, you won't get good coverage. It's not rocket science. It's just basic PR.