Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Divide: While Tom Morrissey calls for a truce, Rob Haney steps up the rhetoric

Good Cop/Bad Cop? Trouble in crazy-ville? Or just the right hand not knowing what the far-right hand is doing?

Tom Morrissey called for a "truce" among blogs this weekend. It's interesting how he's suddenly interested in these types of things now that he finds himself a target. When it was him and his team out there throwing bombs on blogs, that was OK.

But it looks like Tommy's clone and political mentor Rob Haney didn't get the message. He was in full batshit crazy mode this weekend, posting a borderline insane rant online. He's pissed about the 12 or so Senators that voted with the majority against Russell Pearce's joke immigration legislation. Losing hurts.

Lest you have any illusions that Rob Haney cares about anything except for Rob Haney, let the opening line of his manifesto cure you of that notion:

The Republican Precinct Committeemen (PCs) who elected me as their Maricopa County Chairman by an unprecedented margin of 70%, did so for a reason.

Well, that's a good start. At least he frames the issue correctly. It's all about him.

He goes on to discount any legitimate criticism of the bills as invalid, then goes on some bizarre rant about "mavericks".

I should remind Mr. Haney once again that half of the Republican Senators voted against these bills. That word, "mavericks", I don't think it means what you think it means.

Blah blah blah, "insincere malarkey", John McCain, Jon Kyl and Jeff Flake suck, the Tea Party is awesome, and all the psychos need to become PCs and vote for Rob Haney.

Dear Maricopa County Republicans: This is your leader. Is he really the best you can do?

Tommy- I think it's time to put your boy back in his cage now.

1 comment:

Tony GOPrano said...

It was Rob Haney who has brough us TOMMY '5 WIVES' MORRISSEY and MARK 'PANTLESS' SPINKS!

Haney is nothing but a 'hater' who bashes his enemies mercilessly!

The Wackos and Knee Padders who 'Blindly' follow this false prophet should wake up before Haney & his cabol completely trash the Arizona Republican Party!

Haney will make the majority a minority by the next election if he keeps up this nonsense.

Wake up fellow Republicans! Don't let these creeps ruin the Party!