Thursday, March 17, 2011

From the Mail Bag

A nice note I received the other day. The reference to Japan might just be the highlight. What's not funny about widespread death and destruction? Amirite?

Sent: 3/16/2011
4:38:55 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Political Mafiaso

Everybody knows ...

"TheOnlyTrueConservative" is Anthony Miller.

Miller is yet, another self-agrandized, angry, neo-con,
kooky Progressive, moronic Republican; just like the other ones who own, operate and blather on your shit-ladden Web Site - Political Mafiaso:


MAFIA - how appropriate for you dirt bags peddling
neo-con, Progressive "can't we all get along" bullshit.

You all can take your so-called McKyl leaders and
"friends" and go jump in a nuclear lake - in Japan.

My response:

From: True Conservative []
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 9:44 PM
You can do better

Dear Whiggy,

First, if you're going to send hate mail, could you please at least use spell check? I'll go slow for you:
P-O-L-I-T-I-C-O M-A-F-I-O-S-O. Not "Political Mafiaso". And it's "laden" not "ladden". And don't get me started on the atrocity that is your punctuation in paragraph one. Next time go easy on the commas.

Next, can you explain to me why you nut-jobs always think you're the reincarnation of past politica figures? I can assure you that you're no Zachary Taylor. Or George Washington.  Or Ben Franklin. And you're certainly not a Ronald Reagan. They all had a much better command of the English language.

Third, I'm not sure I follow the third paragraph. Is the Mafia known for their "can't we all get along" ways? And are they typically neo-cons? I wasn't aware that the Mafia was known for any type of heterogeneous political views. I'm confused.

Finally, what is a "so-called McKyl leader"? I'm not aware of the meaning of that term, or that it's part of the common lexicon, outside your little group of friends, that is.
But gosh darn, it sure is clever!

Your knowledge of current events is quite commendable. Your use of a tragedy to attempt an insult, not so much.

Wait a second... Incompetent, illiterate, and/or a failed attempt at humor? Rob Haney? Is that you?


If you want to send your own hate mail, I can be reached at!

1 comment:

Tony GOPrano said...

Sorry WHIZZ Your guess is WRONG!

Nice Try!

We love to receive hate e-mails; shows the ignorance of some people who can't read or comprehend what we post.

I dare you to show us anything that we havew posted is not correct. DARE YOU WHIZZZ!

Whatever we are doing must be working since Morons like you are complaining. Stay Tuned....WE are just getting started!