Wednesday, March 09, 2011

A Few More Thoughts on Rob Haney

I was going to add this in the comments to Tony's great post on Rob Haney, but decided it warranted its own post, especially in light of Wes Harris' recent comments.

There are a few big differences between Rob Haney and Tommy 5 Wives, besides the relative quantity of their spouses.

When Tom Morrissey ran for State Chairman, he was an unknown commodity. Most of the voters didn't know who he was. But thanks to an organized effort by the "Tea Party" (thanks for that you ignorant rubes) he was elected because people said he was "conservative" and the morons were too lazy or stupid to investigate that claim.

However, the same cannot be said for Haney. He's been playing the same game for a few years now. It's not like he just started abusing his power now. That's his standard M.O.

In Rob Haney's world he calls the political winners and losers. He uses the county's daily email blast to publish links to his own blog where he and his minions trash Republicans. He uses his access to PC data to send emails out about his preferred candidates. On the rare occasion that he speaks to the press, it's only to trash Republicans he hates. If he doesn't approve of you, (or I guess if you "live in different political worlds") you are summarily booted off his contact list, and frozen out of future communication. And don't dare question his actions, or you'll be added to his enemies list.

That is Rob Haney. It always has been. Yet Republicans in Maricopa County elected him their chairman anyway.

If Republicans in Maricopa County want to stop Haney and his crew's continued abuses, they have the power to do so.

E. Removal of Elected Officer

Any elected officer may be removed by majority vote of ballots cast at a special meeting where a quorum of the total MCRC membership is present in person or by proxy at any duly called and noticed meeting., An elected officer may not be removed at a regular or special meeting unless his proposed removal is set forth in the ten (10) day notice of call of the items of business of such meeting. A proxy shall be sent with the call.

However, that assertion could be flawed, in that it assumes that there are enough normal and moral people left in the party to care about Rob Haney and his abuses.

Since the strategy of the past few years has been to shrink the party down to Haney and the few people that agree with him, there may not be enough good people left. That is a truly scary proposition indeed.

P.S. I'll have more thoughts on Wes' allegations after I have time to go through them. Most of them were well known, but there were a few new nuggets of information in there that were very interesting indeed.

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