Monday, September 27, 2010


Glassman Puts Failed Obama Agenda First, Not The People Of Arizona

PHOENIX, AZ -- At last night’s Senate debate, Arizona voters got a good look at all of the candidates on the ballot this November, and particularly Democratic nominee Rodney Glassman. As our campaign predicted last week, voters last night saw in Rodney Glassman a candidate who embraces President Obama’s failed liberal agenda that is far outside the mainstream of Arizona voters.

McCain 2010 Communications Director Brian Rogers issued the following statement on Rodney Glassman’s debate performance last night:


“Arizona voters learned last night that Rodney Glassman fully embraces President Obama’s failed liberal agenda. Glassman confirmed that he supports President Obama’s failed stimulus bill, champions more pork barrel earmark spending, and endorses the president’s government takeover of our health care system in ObamaCare. Glassman even said he opposes SB 1070, which is supported by nearly 70% of Arizonans. Rodney Glassman proved again last night that he puts the Obama-Reid-Pelosi agenda first, not the people of Arizona.” -- McCain 2010 Communications Director Brian Rogers

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