Monday, September 27, 2010


Join Ben Quayle for Congress on Facebook

Personal Information:  After graduating from Duke University, Ben attended law school at Vanderbilt. Following graduation, Ben worked in California and New York in commercial litigation and securities law. His experience gives him an appreciation for the reality that high taxes and anti-business regulations hurt small business owners.

As an attorney and small business owner, Ben understands the challenges business owners are facing in the current economic downturn.

As the fourth generation of his family to live and work here in the Valley, Ben is eager to fight for the needs of our community and our country.

Throughout his life, Ben’s family has instilled in him the importance of public service. Ben wants to represent Arizona in Congress to restore fiscal discipline to Washington. As Congressman from the 3rd District, Ben Quayle knows he can make a difference in the lives of the next generation.

Ben is married to Tiffany Crane Quayle, an Arizona State University graduate. Tiffany manages Insight Enterprises (an Arizona based Fortune 500 company) for CA and is very active in the Phoenix Women's Board of the Steele Children's Research Center. Ben & Tiffany have a puppy named Louie they rescued from the Wickenburg Humane Society.

After graduating from Duke University, Ben attended law school at Vanderbilt. Following graduation, Ben worked in California and New York in commercial litigation and securities law. His experience gives him an appreciation for the reality that high taxes and anti-business regulations hurt small business owners.

As an attorney and small business owner, Ben understands the challenges business owners are facing in the current economic downturn.

Personal Interests:  Running, hiking, cycling, swimming, walking Louie...basically enjoying this beautiful state we live in! When Ben's not busy outdoors, he's either working, reading or researching - in a seemingly endless quest for knowledge & answers. Ben loves to travel, meet new people, spend time with friends & family and make the most of every day life!

The Mitchell playbook is lashing out with attack ads that are negative and wrong. David needs your help to fight back and trounce the liberal lies!
We are under attack, and we have 36 days until Election Day.
Every minute counts.

The choice is yours to let them win. Will the Obama-Pelosi liberals take ground? Or, will we fight to stop them in their tracks… right here, right now!
Make no mistake - - we are fighting back. - - And David needs your help! The campaign must raise $78,000 this week to be able to trounce Congressman Mitchell’s outright lies on TV.

With Election Day just 36 days away - - please consider a minimum contribution of $36. Your support will mean we can take back the U.S. House and stop Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama in their tracks.

News outlets from FoxNews to the New York Times are reporting this morning that Democrats like Congressman Mitchell are slinging mud harder than ever.

Arizona is ours to win.

But the Obama administration, the Pelosi Congress, and rank-and-file lapdogs like Mitchell will do anything to deceive - - and even lie to the voters with some of the nastiest ads in the country.


Liberals like Congressman Mitchell are in wholesale desperation!

Mitchell refuses to talk about the issues. He is on his heels. He is stumbling and lashing out with a message we know is a distraction.

If the Congressman were honest, he’d stand proud next to his extremely liberal votes for ObamaCare, the Wall Street bailouts, and the stimulus. He’d tell the truth: he wants even more government control and power for his Nancy Pelosi allies!
This race in Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District is one we can win.

Our country is in peril, and we can’t afford to lose this fight. All roads to national victory lead to Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District.

The liberals and Congressman Mitchell want a fight… We can trounce the liberal lies and win this year. We know the stakes for our country. But it all comes down to the resources to win.

Your support will go directly on TV to combat the liberal attack machine. Investing in our race will help us reach our critical goal and defend our freedoms from right here in Arizona.

Paid for By David Schweikert for Congress

Debate or Ambush?

September 27th, 2010

For Immediate Release

Democrats around Arizona have been complaining in the press about Republican candidates refusing debates. So they set up an ambush. Candidates attending a Sunday forum hosted by the Pima County Interfaith Council (PCIC) were given a list of the questions beforehand--complete with the pre-framed answers.

Of course, the questions were chosen and designed very specifically by the PCIC. You'd think that an "interfaith" forum on "family issues" would include a discussion of life. But, no, a group with close ties to Rep. Raul Grijalva certainly doesn't want to bring up that issue in a tough election year--not when the majority of his constituents in CD7 would be appalled to learn that he has a perfect rating from Planned Parenthood of America.

The questions they did ask were clearly selected for two simple reasons: to support the PCIC agenda for garnering additional taxpayer funds, and to help their democratic friends.

The PCIC claims to be non-partisan, although as a 501(c)4 organization, they are by definition a political lobby. They did not allow any Independent or Green Party candidates to attend the forum--candidates they fear may pull votes away from their chosen politicians. And Nancy La Placa, a democratic staffer, opened the proceedings with a "focus briefing" that she concluded by telling the crowd to "Vote Democrat, go solar."
"I chose to attend this forum, even knowing how biased it was going to be, because I believe voters need to hear directly from the candidates. Anytime Raul Grijalva is willing to debate--really debate--the issues in a public forum, I'll be there," said Ruth McClung. "But this kind of biased showcase is embarrassing for the PCIC, it's member organizations, and anyone interested in real, constructive dialogue."


Sam Stone, Media Relations Ruth McClung for Congress

520-822-7162 520-579-5734
Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

2010 Race of the Day: Ann Kirkpatrick's Failed Policies in Arizona

September 27, 2010
President Bush won the district effortlessly in 2004 with 54 percent of the vote, and Arizona native John McCain won similarly with 54 percent in 2008. Despite the Republican tilt of this seat, the representative from the First district is Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick, whose out-of-touch fiscal policies have led to needless spending that has put small businesses in a bind. Republican Paul Gosar is waging a strong challenge against Kirkpatrick, who continues to neglect the conservative tendencies of her constituents and the current border security crisis affecting her state. While 70 percent of Arizonans support SB1070, the Arizona immigration law, Kirkpatrick stands against the majority of her constituents in opposition to it.

Within two short years of taking office, Arizona’s unemployment has jumped from 6.7 percent to an unacceptably high rate of 9.6 percent under Ann Kirkpatrick’s failed agenda of more spending and fewer jobs. Middle-class families are struggling, yet Kirkpatrick has a record of voting with Nancy Pelosi over 86 percent of the time, rubber-stamping a failed trillion-dollar stimulus which has failed to produce jobs and a disastrous healthcare bill that places stringent regulations and higher taxes on businesses. With no relief in sight, voters will turn to the polls in November to send a loud and clear message to out-of-touch Democrats that they’re tired of suffering under Kirkpatrick and her party’s failed policies.

In recent times, in an effort to avoid townhall meetings, Kirkpatrick scheduled a “meet the voters” outside of a Safeway in the 100 degree Arizona summer heat. During this attempt, she was only able to speak to about two dozen voters while the rest of the participants waited confused and distraught in line. In a similar session in Holbrook, Kirkpatrick walked out on her constituents after getting frustrated when the voters could not hear her and asked that she speak louder. As a result of her track record, independent groups have begun airing their grievances against the freshman Democrat and the NRCC recently expanded our target list to include the seat. Fortunately for voters in the First District, the American Action Forum poll shows that Kirkpatrick is down 6 points and Republican candidate Paul Gosar is favored to win.


Gosar is a small business owner and a dedicated family man. Having owned his own dental practice for more than 25 years, Gosar knows first-hand how the Democrats’ economic policies will affect Arizona’s small businesses. His work as a dentist has earned him numerous awards and honors such as the Arizona Dental Association’s “Dentist of the Year” and an induction into Arizona Dental Associations Hall of Fame. He was previously the President of the Northern Arizona Dental Society and the Arizona Dental Association. Gosar was also Vice-Chair of the ADA Council on Governmental Affairs. As his concern rose for the state of the government and his district, he decided to run for office and justly represent the constituents. Gosar truly understands the values and ideologies of Arizonans and Americans alike. He is seeking fewer government imposed roadblocks and a more transparent government to protect jobs and bring more local and outside business to Arizona.

Send a warrior to congress vote Jesse Kelly for Arizona


Despite overtures from independent organizations, such as the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Raul Grijalva has yet to agree to a true debate.

"Tomorrow, my campaign will be delivering a formal debate offer to Raul Grijalva's office. We hope that he will have the courage to stick up for his views in a truly non-partisan and wide-ranging debate. "
With just 36 days until the election, NOW is the time David needs your help. Please consider a minimum $36 contribution to help David fight and win.

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