Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sen. John McCain - Experience Matters

Arizona needs a U.S. Senator who can serve as an experienced leader in defending our nation’s security.

Unfortunately, Rodney Glassman’s two years on the Tucson City Council have left him with only bad judgment, inexperience and confusion on our critical security threats, most notably the war in Afghanistan. Now, as we fight wars on two fronts, is not the time to rely on amateurs like Rodney Glassman regarding our nation's defense.

In 2007, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), infamously declared defeat in Iraq, saying
“this war is lost.” Three years later, Rodney Glassman, similarly declared defeat in Afghanistan, stating, “there is no victory in Afghanistan.” Watch the video here. Perhaps more importantly, Glassman has displayed his inexperience and confusion on basic national security issues.

In just a short time Glassman went from stating that
“there isn’t an exit strategy” for Afghanistan to saying “we now have an exit strategy.” Which is it Rodney?

But most importantly, Glassman does not seem to truly understand the consequences of setting a date certain for withdrawing our troops from Afghanistan.

On the one hand he’s argued, rightly, that announcing a timetable for withdrawal to our enemies is dangerous and wrong -- comparing it to a “sporting event” -- because “that only causes them to refortify themselves in preparation for leaving.”

But at the same time, Glassman says he fully supports President Obama’s July 2011 date to begin withdrawal -- which the Administration has repeatedly stated is not based upon conditions on the ground. Glassman further says he wants American troops home “yesterday.” Watch the video here. This is not the strong leadership Arizona and America needs.

We need Senator McCain’s experience and judgment on National Security issues now more than ever. Join us at
JohnMcCain.com and tell democrats like Rodney Glassman that defeat in our fight against terror and those who wish our nation harm is not an option.


Mark Buse
Campaign Manager, McCain 2010

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