Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Council for Citizens Against Government Waste Endorse Senator McCain

September 20, 2010 at 2:16 PM MST

The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste Political Action Committee (CCAGWPAC) today announced its endorsement of Sen. John McCain, Rep. Jeff Flake, and Rep. Trent Franks, who are seeking re-election to Congress in Arizona.

“In this time of massive new government spending and bailouts, huge budget deficits, public debt, and inefficient bureaucracies, taxpayers need friends in Washington who will defend their interests, not the special interests,” said Thomas Schatz, Chairman of CCAGWPAC. “That is why CCAGWPAC supports these candidates, who are bona fide fiscal conservatives committed to reducing the size of government by working to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse.”

All three candidates have been principled advocates for lower taxes and smaller government.

Sen. McCain received a score of 99 percent in the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste’s (CCAGW) 2009 Congressional Ratings, earning the rank of Taxpayer Hero. Rep. Flake received a score of 100 percent, earning the rank of Taxpayer Super Hero. Rep. Franks received a score of 92 percent, earning the rank of Taxpayer Hero.

“The CCAGW Congressional Ratings verify that these candidates will seek ways to control spending, fight for lower taxes, and eradicate wasteful programs,” declared Schatz.

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