Tuesday, September 21, 2010

WHO IS RODNEY GLASSMAN? Glassman’s Bad Judgment, Inexperience And Confusion On National Security

**Watch Glassman declare, “There is no victory in Afghanistan”**

Glassman’s Bad Judgment, Inexperience And Confusion On National Security

PHOENIX, AZ -- U.S. Senator John McCain’s re-election campaign today continues its series of daily “Who Is Rodney Glassman?” fact checks outlining for voters the Democratic Senate candidate’s views on the issues facing America. Today’s issue: Glassman’s bad judgment, inexperience and confusion on national security issues.

Arizona deserves a U.S. Senator who can serve as a leader in defending our nation’s security. Unfortunately, Rodney Glassman’s two years on the Tucson City Council have left him with only bad judgment, inexperience and confusion on our critical security threats, most notably the war in Afghanistan.

First, Glassman’s bad judgment: In 2007, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), infamously declared defeat in Iraq, saying “this war is lost.” Three years later, Rodney Glassman, similarly declares defeat in Afghanistan, stating, “there is no victory in Afghanistan.”

Perhaps more importantly, Glassman has displayed his inexperience and confusion on basic national security issues.

In the course of six weeks this year, Glassman went from stating that “there isn’t an exit strategy” for Afghanistan to saying “we now have an exit strategy.” Huh?

Most critically, Glassman appears confused about the consequences of setting a date certain for withdrawing our troops from Afghanistan. On the one hand he’s argued, rightly, that announcing a timetable for withdrawal to our enemies is dangerous and wrong -- comparing it to a “sporting event” -- because “that only causes them to refortify themselves in preparation for leaving.” But at the same time, Glassman says he fully supports President Obama’s July 2011 date to begin withdrawal -- which the Administration has repeatedly stated is not based upon conditions on the ground. Glassman further says he wants American troops home “yesterday.”

**Watch Glassman voice his concern over announcing a timetable for leaving Afghanistan, comparing it to the idiocy of telling the other team when you’ll leave the field in a “sporting event”**

In response to Glassman’s bad judgment, inexperience and confusion on national security issues, McCain 2010 Communications Director Brian Rogers released the following statement.

“Rodney Glassman showed dangerously bad judgment this year when he did his best Harry Reid impression and declared the War in Afghanistan lost -- even as American troops are still fighting on the battlefield. Glassman also displayed his utter inexperience with a recent series of contradictory, confusing and incoherent public statements on the war.

“Glassman says we have an exit strategy in Afghanistan, but also says that we don’t. He says that a timetable for withdrawal will strengthen our enemies, but says we should set one anyway. What’s next? That he was for the war in Afghanistan before he was against it?

“Arizona deserves a U.S. Senator who's ready to lead on the critical national security issues we face. Based upon his record to date in this campaign, it's clear Rodney Glassman isn't that guy.”– McCain 2010 Communications Director Brian Rogers


Glassman Says “There Is No Victory In Afghanistan”:

Glassman Says “There Is No Victory In Afghanistan.”

“There is no victory in Afghanistan. We were sent to Afghanistan, we went to Afghanistan in response to its attack on the United States. And so long as there is even one young American man or woman in Afghanistan risking their lives, there will be no victory. The reality is, is that we need to do what we can as a nation, to leave Afghanistan secure but at the same time remembering that our focus needs to be our troops and bringing them home.” (Democratic Senate Debate, Phoenix, AZ, 7/9/2010)

Glassman Has Said Both That That There Is And Isn’t A Date For Withdrawal From Afghanistan, And Both That He Would And Wouldn’t Support Such A Date If It Existed:

Glassman Said That “The Reality Is, Is Right Now There Isn’t An Exit Strategy” In Afghanistan, And Also Said He Wouldn’t Support A Timetable For Withdrawal.

“Just recently I was visiting with a friend of mine, Mike, who is a veteran who had three terms – or three tours in Afghanistan. And we were talking, ‘is there an exit strategy, what is the feeling on the ground from our soldiers?’ And the reality is, is right now there isn’t an exit strategy. You would no sooner tell your opponent in a sporting event as you would in war, when you’re planning on leaving their country because that only causes them to refortify themselves in preparation for leaving.” (

Democratic Senate Debate, Phoenix, AZ, 7/9/2010)

Alternately, Glassman Has Also Said That “We Now Have An Exit Strategy” In Afghanistan, And That He Does Support A Timetable For Withdrawal.

“Do you support next summer's planned reduction of U.S. forces in Afghanistan? ‘Yes. We should start to change our mission in July 2011. Our president and Congress have a moral obligation to think through military action before they put our troops in harm’s way. We now have an exit strategy that George W. Bush and John McCain refused to consider. (“U.S. Senate: Rodney Glassman (D),” Green Valley News, 8/18/10)

Glassman Told The Arizona Republic “I Am Wary About Announcing A Timetable To Our Enemies, But I Believe Our Troops Should Come Home Yesterday.”

“I am wary about announcing a timetable to our enemies, but I believe our troops should come home yesterday. The best people to secure Afghanistan are the Afghans themselves.” (“Candidate Q & A,” The Arizona Republic)

Glassman Says He Opposes Telling The Enemy Any Timetable For Withdrawal, Comparing It To Telling The Other Team When You’re Leaving The Field In A “Sporting Event,” Because “That Only Causes Them To Refortify Themselves In Preparation For Leaving.”

“You would no sooner tell your opponent in a sporting event as you would in war, when you’re planning on leaving their country because that only causes them to refortify themselves in preparation for leaving.” (Democratic Senate Debate, Phoenix, AZ, 7/9/2010)

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