Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The Obama ship is sinking and there aren’t enough lifeboats to save the Pelosi rubber-stamp, rank-and-file liberals like Congressman Mitchell in Arizona.

This government’s extreme liberal agenda of serial bailouts, nationalized takeovers, ObamaCare, and redistribution of everything we earn can come to an end, but supporting the right candidate is crucial.

We need to send liberal Congressman Mitchell home - - TODAY, David Schweikert needs your support. Your contribution will make the difference… We need to reach our critical goal!

In the next few minutes, by taking action and joining David’s fight, you can be sure that David has the resources to fight and win.

Time is close to running out. We can’t afford to lose.

The Obama ship is dragging the American people underwater, and Congressman Mitchell’s lock-step votes for the most extreme legislation in a century is "unconscionable"!

We need more jobs, not more government.

We will not yield in the fight for freedom. Let’s put the out-of-touch liberal machine in their place and send Congressman Mitchell back to Arizona.

Support a true fiscal expert and Constitutional warrior.

David Schweikert needs your help today.

The left wing base hasn’t even started to achieve the things they want to do to America.

They want to turn us into a socialist European state. They want to tax the air we breathe and everything we touch. They want a government so big that every permission is needed to move through your daily life. We cannot let the Pelosi liberals last through November.

We will fight for freedom, and we will not give up. That is why supporting David today is an investment that can make the difference in November.
We can win this fight in Arizona.

But we can’t win without your support.

Help David Schweikert fight the big spenders and help deliver victory, right here in the 5th district.

In the next few minutes, your support will make victory possible... Will you help us fight and win?

Paid for By Schweikert for Congress

Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) addresses a lawsuit by the former CFO of the California branch of Planned Parenthood. Franks notes that the lawsuit indicates a level of corruption within Planned Parenthood that far surpasses even that which we saw within ACORN.According to the lawsuit, the California branch of Planned Parenthood overcharged the government by over $180 million in just one year.

Just one clinic is alleged to have overcharged by more than $5 million.Similar allegations against Planned Parenthood have also surfaced in other states, including New Jersey and Washington.


Kirkpatrick Launches Character Attacks Against Paul

I need your immediate help.

As the polls continue to show Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick trailing us by six points or more, she has decided to forgo discussing the issues and has launched a series of character attacks against me and my family.

In a recent radio ad, Kirkpatrick is not telling the truth. Perhaps this is what Ann Kirkpatrick has learned from Nancy Pelosi during her time in Washington, DC.

I knew that running for Congress would be difficult but I never thought Kirkpatrick would go to such lengths to lie about me and my family and the difficult times we have faced.

Donate Now To Help Us Tell The Truth. Here is the truth: Like many of you, Maude and I are small business owners and we understand, as you do, that times are tough. Nowhere is this more true than right here in Congressional District One. As every small business owner in America knows, sometimes you get behind but you find a way to get through the hard times.

Trust me, I have never run away from my obligations and never will. For Ann to attack a small business owner at the same time she is voting to hurt us just shows how desperate she has become. Kirkpatrick has millions of dollars at her disposal to continue the attacks on me and my family! There is an old saying in politics, “an attack unanswered, is an attack believed.” We cannot allow this to happen.


Paid for By Gosar for Congress

Reasons why President Obama is the Worst President in History

1. He has loaded up every child in this nation with more debt than any President in history.

2. With his policies and the threat of more such policy he has destroyed more wealth than any human being in history,which is always what happens when you set out to redistribute wealth: you end up destroying it.

3. He has brought us to the brink of the most massive tax increases in history and if we don't elect enough Republicans in November to stop him that is exactly what we will get.

4 . He has forced through legislation without a single republican vote that may well destroy the finest health care system in history when all we needed were some measures to control costs.

5. He has divided America along racial lines in destructive ways and he is doing so again by suing Arizona over its attempt to control the drug trade and human smuggling trade threatening its security.

6. He has failed to form a policy to adequately deal with the vicious Mexican drug cartels that are essentially running parts of that nation and becoming an increasing threat to ours.

7. He has traveled the world making apologies for America instead of defending its timeless and treasured ideals of freedom and peace for all nations of good will.

8. He has said there is nothing exceptional about America, something no other president has ever said and something which alone suggests he is a historically poor president.

9. He has hired people of strange and radical views to hold important federal posts in which they pursue more bad policy that no administration in history has ever pursued.


Ruth McClung Friday Sept. 24 – Sign Wave 7 AM – 9 AM. Meet at the Olive Garden Restaurant parking lot at the NE corner of Oracle & Wetmore. We have signs, or bring your own.Questions? Contact Juanita Lang @ volunteer@ruth4az.com

Ruth McClung Saturday Sept. 25 – Neighborhood Walk 8 AM – 11 AM - Meet at 8 am in the Olive Garden restaurant parking lot NE corner of Oracle & Wetmore in the Tucson Mall. Questions? Contact Juanita Lang at volunteer@ruth4az.com

TUCSON - Neighborhood Walk

Ruth McClung Friday Oct 1 – Sign Wave 7 AM – 9 AM Meet at the Boston Market parking lot at the NE corner of Speedway & Campbell. We have signs, or bring your own. Questions? Contact Juanita at volunteer@ruth4az.com

TUCSON - Sign Waves!
Friday, October 1, 2010 at 7:00am

Ruth McClung Saturday Oct. 2 – Neighborhood Walk 8 AM – 11 AM - Meet in the El Con Mall parking lot north of Office Depot (corner of Broadway & N. Jones Ave.)Questions? Contact Juanita at volunteer@ruth4az.com

TUCSON - Walk for Ruth

Ruth McClung Friday, Oct 8 – Sign Wave 7 AM – 9 AM Meet at the SE corner of Ajo & Mission. We have signs, or bring your own. Questions? Contact Juanita at volunteer@ruth4az.com

TUCSON - Sign Waves for Ruth!

Ruth McClung Saturday morning at the SW corner of Litchfield and McDowell starting at 8am to noon, then we will break for lunch and head for a secret location to do a second wave from 3 to 5pm. Anyone who wants to know the second location can contact me at 623-556-7393 or goinnutsaz@gmail.com or Mark Collins at 602-525-4130 or email bigyotesfan@yahoo.com

GOODYEAR/AVONDALE - Sign Waves for Ruth!!

Jesse Kelly tied with Gabrielle Giffords 46-46
Sep 21, 2010 in

A poll conducted by Ayres, McHenry & Associates, a respected national public opinion research company, for American Action Forum shows Jesse Kelly tied with Gabrielle Giffords for AZ-8. The poll in its entirety can be found here.

Real Clear Politics lists the race as a "toss up". Greg Dingrando of KVOA reports:

Political experts said the winner of this race could
determine who controls the political majority in Washington.

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