Saturday, August 07, 2010

Sylvia Allen Has A Plan

Sylvia Allen has a plan to raise your taxes

Sylvia Allen's plan for Gila Community College will quadruple your taxes and could destroy our rural education system. Gila County cannot afford to become independent:"It's a terrible time; the state is in terrible financial shape."

- Sylvia Allen HERSELF

Experts Disagree with Allen's plan:"Allen's plan for Gila Community College to become independent is 'a colossal waste of time...' "

- Kevin McCarthy (President, Tax Research Association, the state's most widely recognized guardian of Arizona taxpayers)

"Equalization Funding is like oxygen. Without it our mission of providing higher education in rural Arizona is at risk."

- Mark Bryce, President, Eastern Arizona College

*Equalization Funding is the term used for special state funds designated exclusively for rural community colleges.

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