Saturday, August 07, 2010

McCain Team Fires Back at J.D. Hayworth Attack Ad By Matt Lewis

August 6, 2010

A new TV ad released by Arizona Senate candidate J.D. Hayworth quotes Sen. John McCain admitting he lied in the past.

As the AP reports,

"It uses McCain's voice from the recording of his 2002 book, in which McCain recalls publicly supporting South Carolina's right to fly the Confederate flag, even though he personally opposed it. McCain says on the recording: " ... it could come down to lying or losing. I chose lying."

According to the AP, the ad suggests McCain is lying again. It says McCain supported Social Security benefits for illegal immigrants and opposed a border fence.

The nonpartisan has called the accusations false.

And McCain Communications Director Brian Rogers fired back at Hayworth, saying:

"With his latest TV ad, Congressman Hayworth shows all of Arizona how much he enjoys rolling around in the mud and muck of blatantly false character attacks. Even Congressman Hayworth's fellow infomercial pitchmen would be disappointed with his utter disregard for the truth.

... "Let's be clear: Congressman Hayworth
is going to lose this election. It's embarrassing that he's going down with such little dignity.

"As Senator McCain has said about Congressman Hayworth, 'Never get into a wrestling match with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.'

Clearly things are heating up in Arizona.

1 comment:

Andra said...

I did find it rather humorous that JD's attack ad was filled with more lies then I could count. JD has always been a liar, a hypocrite and a blowhard. This guy is too corrupt and backwards to be given another shot in Congress.