The letter to the editor by Ms. Merrell stated positive-sounding rhetoric regarding education that almost anyone would agree with. However, there were no supporting statistics or mention of Ms. Allen’s voting record on education issues.
Ms. Allen has voted against almost every education bill that has been presented. She has openly stated that the only way out of the current financial problems is to make cuts to education.
She apparently has no understanding of how the current cuts affected the ability to provide quality education to the students in our district. She also is opposed to EAC’s providing four-year degrees, something that would benefit our Valley greatly.
She has stated she would take money from Northland Pioneer College and Eastern Arizona College and give it to Gila Community College, without understanding the repercussions of these actions.
On the other hand, Bill Konopnicki has demonstrated continued support for quality education. He fought to keep rural education funded at levels that would allow our schools to have class sizes in the 20s, not the 40s, for student-teacher ratios. At the same time, Bill has worked to hold education accountable for the funding it receives. I can think of no one better qualified to be in the Senate to help fight for quality education for our children and the future of our state than Bill Konopnicki. He has college degrees in education, a working background in education and has served on a school board for 12 years.
I have always voted for the candidate I perceived to be the best. Therefore, I will be voting for Bill Konopnicki to represent legislative district 5. I sincerely hope voters who truly care about Arizona’s future will also vote for Mr. Konopnicki.
1 comment:
According to two education legislative scorecards:
2010 Arizona School Board Association Scorecard
S. Allen agreed on 9/21 bills
Konopnicki agreed on 13/20 bills
2009 Arizona Education Network Scorecard
S. Allen agreed on 0% of bills evaluated
Konopnicki agreed on 25% of bills evaluated
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