Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sheriff Richard Mack (Ret) officially endorses Bill Konopnicki candidacy for the Senate seat in Legislative District 5


Safford, Arizona—July 28, 2010

Sheriff Richard Mack (Ret) officially endorses Bill Konopnicki candidacy for the Senate seat in Legislative District 5.

Today Sheriff Richard Mack (Ret) said in part, “I have some news for you that is weighing heavy on me, but I must go with my heart and what I feel is best. I have decided to support Bill Konopnicki for State Senate.”

“I have known Bill for a very long time, perhaps 35 maybe 40 years. He has been a good friend and a good friend of my parents. I know Bill to be a good husband and father. Because of this relationship I’ve been struggling with my decision as to who to support in this race.”

Bill asked to meet with me in his office. He was most eager to hear more about my victory at the U S Supreme Court and how the ruling might benefit Arizona in its present litigation with the federal government. He was very impressed and told me that he would make certain that the Governor and her counsel would receive this vital information. There is no question that my case, based on state sovereignty, will help us all in these trying times of federal intervention and control.

Bill took it upon himself to get my information to the Governor Brewer. He showed leadership and dedication; he took the initiative to help and to make a difference. Needless to say, I was moved and impressed.

It is my pleasure to endorse Bill Konopnicki candidacy for the Arizona State Senate seat in Legislative District 5.

Paid for By Bill Konopnicki 2010


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