Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jan Brewer Endorses Bill Konopnicki for Arizona State Senate Legislative District 5

Contact: Douglas Cole
July 27, 2010

Statement by Governor Brewer Regarding Rep. Bill Konopnicki, Candidate for Legislative District 5 Senate

“From the beginning of my tenure as Governor of Arizona, Representative Bill Konopnicki has supported my plan to help Arizona recover from its current economic problems and face its immigration issues. He supported my five point economic plan, including Proposition 100 to protect education and public safety, and he helped amend SB 1070 so that it could be passed and signed into law.”

Paid for By Governor Jan Brewer 2010


tenneysrtuff75 said...

Bill Konopnicki was not a supporter of many Jan Brewer plans. He has also bad mouthed Jan Brewer on different occasions. Jan Brewer was advised by Mr. Doug Cole not even a member of her staff. Mr. Cole was approached by Bill Konopnicki saying that he would not vote for a radical Russell Pierce for the Senate Majority. Mr. Cole took that to the governor without even asking Sylvia Allen's opinion, believing that she would vote for Russell Pierce. Senator Allen had not announced that she would vote for Russell Pierce or even hinted that she would. I'm afraid our very brave governor made two very poor decisions the first being she got involved with a primary election and then endorsed a candidate based on what she had heard from Mr. Cole and not seeing both sides of the issue before she chose to endorse a candidate. Bill Konopnicki has run on a platform that he is THE CONSERVATIVE candidate when in fact he has voted for 5 liberal budgets that were proposed by the Napolitano staff, we can see where that has gotten us. Before you vote for Bill Konopnicki I would advise you to take a serious look into what he has voted for at our state capitol. I do not believe you will find it to be very conservative. Sylvia Allen is the Republican candidate that has a proven record at the capitol as a conservative for District 5.

Tony GOPrano said...

Leave it to a Tenney to spread lies about Bill Konopnicki. This isn't LD-5 and I'm not going to let you spread Sylvia's Bull Shit here.

All you have to do to find the truth on Sylvia Allen is to visit EARTH TO SYLVIA! to get the real truth on Allen.

The only reason Allen is a Senator is because the vote from the PC's was from the County controlled by the Tenney's.

You can't control the Primary election on August 24th! Bill is going to crush Sylvia Allen.

Guess your going to have to find Sylvia another job. Five words she better learn: "Can I Take Your Order"!