Monday, June 14, 2010


An interesting article this past weekend written by Molly Pitcher over on the Sonoran Alliance Paid For By J.D. Hayworth Blog called "No path to victory for JD" made some very salient points on the upcoming Republican Senate Primary Election!

All the polling points to a John McCain Victory, NOT ONE
shows Hayworth anywhere near the lead, but the way the
Hayworth apologists put it, McCain is in some kind of trouble. (Wishful thinking on their part).

Now we see a conserted effort by these paid bloggers to smear Sen. McCain, using a "Fake Newspaper" called 'The American-Post-Gazette', a scandal rag run by longtime McCain Hater Rob Haney.

They also use an AP 'so called reporter' named Jonathan Cooper who takes Press Releases issued by the Hayworth campaign and turns them into 'stories' (special thanks to Jason Rose).

The desperation of the Hayworth camp is really showing, still 2 months away from the Primary.

Since they can't raise any money, can't get on TV or Radio, they are using the Internet, especially Twitter & Facebook to try and spread lies about John McCain.

Shane Wikfors , Paid Hayworth Staffer & titular head of the SA Blog Says:

So now I turn the question on the McCain supporters. Would they be willing to have Sonoran Alliance writers contribute to their blog AND allow our writers the same anonymity?

I think Mr. Wikfors meant that as a 'shot over our bow' here at PM. I will answer this.

Mr. Wikfors,

Since you already have the Peeing Red Blog, the I.C. Arizona Blog (Paid for by J.D. Hayworth), and your own blog, the Sonoran Alliance Paid For By J.D. Hayworth, there is no need for you or any of your comrades to have the ability to post here on PM.

The distain you hold for Senator McCain is really pathetic! Your constant bashing of the Senator does nothing but fire up McCain supporters.

You spent the entire year of 2008 writing anti-John McCain articles during his run for the Presidency (your fellow Hayworth Team Members did too).

We now have President Barack Obama because Conservatives like you because over 5 million Conservatives either stayed home or didn't vote for President in 2008!

So we can blame YOU for Obama and his Presidency.

The good thing is that most people see right through the efforts of the Hayworth Team to slander John McCain. And better yet, come August 24th, this will be proven to fail.

I saw a great quote on Facebook that kind of sums this all up:

"After exhausting study and analysis, I have determined that McCain supporters make fewer spelling errors, more cogent points, lead happier lives and are phyiscally more attractive than the Hayworth supporters and all points are even truer when compared to liberals!"

If all the people who read the SA Blog vote against McCain, they will still be a MILLION votes short!


Michael Bailey said...

I am an activist with the Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots who is familiar with several of the players involved in the 2010 Project.

I am a passable writer who expresses his points well and provides logical support for his positions.

At one point I was contacted by a member of 2010 to write for them on space provided at Sonoran Alliance.

When I told him that I support Jim Deakin, and that I was not going to write in support of Representative Hayworth(but would be happy to expound on Tea Party principles in general), interest waned rapidly; they haven't contacted me since.

Although I don't support Senator McCain, I see nothing offered by Representative Hayworth that would lead me to find him a suitable replacement.

Thank you,
Michael Bailey

Tony GOPrano said...

Mr. Bailey Thank You for all you & your group are doing. The Tea Party is out getting the word out to a whole group of people who may/may not have been involved in politics before.

What you are saying does not surprise me. When you become a paid 'shill' for a campaign, you lose all integrity. That is what the bloggers I mentioned in the post have become.

I have never accepted even one penny from the McCain campaign & never would.

Thanks for your post sir!

Republican said...

I totally agree that Hayworth is NOT worthy of replacing McCain. While the two both have their own issues. McCain is by far the better of the two. JD does not have the experience or the brains to hold his own in Congress.

Unknown said...

Hayworth's been running on empty for quite some time. His whole campaign has been trying to lure McCain in and they correctly played the rope a dope (literally). We gave JD enough time to sabatoge himself.

Unknown said...

JD was crushed when beck wouldn't back him up and then to lose the tea party its got to be killing him. Consistent in losing is all I see.

Unknown said...

Way to hold to you ethic Mr. Bailey! The sonoran Alliance are a bunch of hipocrits!

Unknown said...

The McCain Campaign is running on all cylinders and JD know its just a matter of time. Life is good!