Tuesday, May 25, 2010

McCain Campaign Releases New Web Video, “Hayworth History Lesson”


Contact: Brian Rogers

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

(602) 604-2010

McCain Campaign Releases New Web Video, “Hayworth History Lesson”

PHOENIX, AZ – U.S. Senator John McCain’s re-election campaign today announced the release of a new web video, “Hayworth History Lesson,” examining Congressman J.D. Hayworth’s bizarre claim that the United States “never formally declared war on Hitler’s Germany” during World War II.
Watch the new web video

Hayworth’s ridiculous statement turned heads yesterday both in Arizona and nationwide, with KTVK-TV in Phoenix reporting it as “the comment from Senate candidate J.D. Hayworth that’s got history teachers all over Arizona cringing.” Congressman Hayworth also earned write-ups in Politico, Talking Points Memo, The Arizona Republic, the Arizona Daily Star and a mention on MSNBC’s “Hardball.”

As reported in The Arizona Republic, Congressman Hayworth’s communications director actually mounted a defense of Hayworth’s statement, suggesting “the United States somehow was ‘recognizing’ a state of war rather than ‘declaring’ it.” However, Congressman Hayworth’s spokesman went on to quote the Congressional resolution which proclaimed America’s war with Germany “hereby formally declared.” If you’re confused on that one, you’re not alone.

Upon release of the new web video, McCain 2010 Communications Director Brian Rogers released the following statement:

“As anyone who took 8th grade social studies knows, the United States of course declared war on Nazi Germany during
World War II. Congressman Hayworth’s failure to understand the basic details of such a major event betrays his tenuous grasp on American history. It’s no wonder he was voted among the dumbest members of Congress!”

– McCain 2010 Communications Director Brian Rogers

Watch the new web video here.


Unknown said...

Wow that add was great. I love the old sound bytes to really back it up. JD should teach history in Texas.

JennsR said...

It is nice to see JD supporting my claims to his lack of intelligence. There have been many critics out there that say I am wrong, I wish I was because JD actually makes the Republican party look foolish. I am glad he is self imploding.

Unknown said...

Wow JD's spin doctors really tried to hide his ignorance on that one. Could you imagine having that job talk about stress.

Tony GOPrano said...

The Hayworth Spin Doctors or as I call them KNEE PADDERS have spent the last 2 days trying to 'spin' this for their boy JD to little avail.

The National Press has picked up on this big time; shows JD Hayworth as the Blow Hard Idiot that he truly is!

Unknown said...

Knee padders proably is a better term. Yeah I saw this on the new this is really going put a damaper in the consistent ones plans.

Unknown said...

Wow its hard to believe that you can still actually make JD look more dumb. Great job McCain Camp!

Unknown said...

JD needs to be tought an ethics lesson first and foremost.