Wednesday, May 26, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for May 26, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to
$500 Billion in Medicare Savings: "For the Obama Administration to make good on its claims, it must eliminate roughly 83 percent of the current fraud in the Medicare program on an annual basis — and ensure there will be no newly-minted fraud in the ObamaCare program with its purported 34 million new health care recipients."

In Congress, Emergency Is What You Don't Want to Pay For

Big Labor's Payoff

Will Washington Reverse Direction?

Kicking the Can Right Off the Cliff

$500 Billion in Medicare Savings?

GOP Says Medicaid Financed Brochure is 'Propaganda'

Obama Schedule Photo-op In Gulf for Friday

Gov. Christie: Changing Course in New Jersey

Senator Obama Opposed Budget Power Expansion that President Obama Now Wants

Obama to Deploy Guard to Border

Irony: Barney Frank to Chair Reform Committee

A Bunch of Lame Ducks in The U.S. Senate

The Private Provision of Public Goods

Paul and the Private Parts

Slaves to the Government Dole


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