February 13, 2008
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican House of Representative leaders publicly backed presidential front-runner John McCain on Wednesday as he promised to campaign in all 50 U.S. states to help his party win back control of the chamber.
One day after winning primaries in Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia, the Arizona senator met with House leaders in an effort to unite the party behind his all-but-certain nomination.
"I intend to campaign, if I'm the nominee of the party, to campaign in every state of the union," McCain said.
McCain has had a sometimes-rocky relationship with his Republican colleagues in the U.S. Congress and has struggled to win over conservatives who have been angered by his efforts to rein in congressional spending, curb the influence of money in politics and overhaul immigration laws.
"I've had some disagreements with Senator McCain over the years, but I've got to tell you, I've watched this presidential race unfold and I've watched John McCain be a strong advocate for principles that I believe in," said Ohio Rep. John Boehner, the House Republican leader, citing his support for the Iraq war and anti-abortion stance.
The Senate's top Republican, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, led an effort to overturn McCain's signature campaign finance law in the Supreme Court.
"They don't speak to me. I'm an outcast and a pariah," McCain joked when asked about his reception in the Senate after a long stretch on the campaign trail.
Even after McCain all but wrapped up the nomination with coast-to-coast primary victories last week and swept the three primaries in the nation's capital region on Tuesday, his top remaining rival Mike Huckabee won two out of three contests last Saturday.
"I believe this contest is over and I think it's
produced the best possible nominee for us to take back the House," said House
Republican Whip Roy Blunt, of Missouri.
Why is Mike Huckabee still in this race?
Great Question? This guy Huckabee is all about ego. He wants to finish ahead of Romney in delegates so he can say he was #2. Huckabee really is #2 and I'm not talking about 2nd place..LOL!
hello there, my name is Nikki and I am out recruiting some republicans to my blog since I am a conservative and my readers are mostly liberals. You were recommended by Thomas at thinkright Az and I will put a link on my blog to yours and would appreciate the same!! thanks you he was right and I enjoyed what I did read.......go McCain!! I lived in AZ for over 5 years and love it. I consider it my home even though at the moment I live in Utah...thanks :)Nikki
Nikki I will certainly add you to my Blog Roll. I will be happy to also add you to the Blogs For McCain, which I also run, and McCain Victory 08 just let me know if you want to be added!
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