Friday, January 04, 2008

The McCain Update - January 4, 2008

John McCain wants to thank his entire Iowa organization for its valiant effort, producing a finish that defied expectations and sent him to New Hampshire with new momentum.

We are now moving on to New Hampshire with momentum behind us. John McCain is well positioned to win New Hampshire drawing on his vast base of support among Republican and Independent voters across the state. John McCain is the only Republican candidate who appeals to independent and conservative voters in New Hampshire, and he has a proven record of doing so.

General election polls prove that John McCain is the only candidate who can beat the Democrats in November. In virtually every poll, he does better against the Democrats than any other Republican candidate. Click here to see the polls for yourself and to read the latest news.

John McCain is surging in New Hampshire, just like he did in 2000. He is drawing on support from Republican voters (which he won in 2000) and winning over Independent voters, something only he can do. Go to for more information.

Remember to tune in and watch John McCain throughout the weekend!

Saturday - Debate hosted by WMUR and ABC News
8:00 pm - St. Anselm's College,Manchester

Sunday - Meet the Press Appearance Sunday morning
Click here for local air times.

Face the Nation Appearance Sunday morning
Check your local listings for air times.

Debate hosted by FOX News
8:00 pm - St. Anselm's College,Manchester

On the Airwaves

As John McCain looks forward to the New Hampshire and Michigan primaries, the campaign released new television commercials in each state.

In Michigan, the "American Reformer" ad highlights John McCain's record of standing up to corrupt special interests, leadership in working to eliminate wasteful and irresponsible earmark spending, and judgment to call for a new strategy in Iraq over four years ago.
Click here to watch.

In New Hampshire's "Better Prepared" ad, John McCain delivers a positive closing message to New Hampshire voters, highlighting his connection with the state and his qualifications for the presidency in these tough and dangerous times.
Click here to watch.

Latest News & Endorsements

The Detroit News Endorses McCain - "On the Republican side, we believe Arizona Sen. John McCain is the candidate who is best qualified to lead the nation."
National Review: McCain Rides the Wave
New Hampshire Union Leader: On Foreign Affairs: No Time For A Novice
Newsweek: Giving Principle a Try
Real Clear Politics: John McCain: The Old Warhorse
Brattleboro Reformer: Lieberman Lauds McCain
NY Times: The McCain-Lieberman Duet
New Hampshire Union Leader: John McCain: A Trusted Leader
Washington Post: The Old Magic, With A New Twist

Additional News from the Iowa Caucus, January 3:
NBC's Tom Brokaw: "This Is Good News For John McCain In New Hampshire ..." (MSNBC's "Iowa Caucuses," 1/3/07)

RedState's Erick Erickson: "The Clear Winner Tonight Is John McCain." "The clear winner tonight is John McCain. ... He sat out of Iowa and still made a respectable showing in the state in fourth place as I write." ("John McCain Wins Iowa ...,", 1/3/07)

Fox News' Fred Barnes: "This Is A Perfect Result For McCain." "Does this help John McCain? It helps John McCain enormously. ... Look, this could not have been conceivably a better result for McCain, I don't think. Everybody knew McCain wasn't going to get much of a vote here and he's in either third or fourth place. But for Romney to take a blow like this, which will obviously have some effect in New Hampshire, where McCain is on the rise, this is a perfect result for McCain." (Fox News' "You Decide 2008 Coverage," 1/3/07)

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