The momentum continues for John McCain! After our historic win in South Carolina, John McCain is making his way around the Sunshine State, convincing voters that he is the best prepared to lead and the only candidate that can defeat the Democrats in November.

Florida voters know that John McCain has the experience and judgment to protect America and has done so many times, most recently with his strong advocacy for the surge in Iraq. He is for cutting taxes, reining in out of control spending and providing the leadership necessary for sustained economic growth. Almost a dozen recent polls show that John McCain is the only GOP candidate that can beat the Democrats in November – all other Republican candidates lose to them by more than 10 points.
John McCain is the only candidate in this race who is ready to give voters straight talk and real solutions to the problems we face. We need your help to remind voters around the country that John McCain is the one true conservative that can lead America into the future.
Florida is an important state in our momentum-based strategy and even if you live in another state, you can play a critical role. Last week voters in South Carolina received calls from volunteers across the country reminding them to vote and it made the difference we needed to win. We must continue the same grassroots activism in Florida and the states voting on Super Tuesday, February 5th. There are three ways you can immediately support John McCain:
Reach out to your friends and family members. Forward them this email and tell them why you're supporting John McCain. Invite them to join you as a proud member of the McCain team.
On the Airwaves
We are flooding the Florida airwaves this week promoting John McCain and his record of consistent conservatism and battle-tested leadership. From TV to radio to the internet, we are communicating with voters in every way possible. Click here to watch our latest ads.

Latest News & Endorsements
General Norman Schwarzkopf and Sylvester Stallone endorsed John McCain this week. General Schwarzkopf gave his endorsement because, "Senator John McCain has served our country with honor in war and in peace. He has demonstrated the type of courageous leadership our country sorely needs at this time." To read more endorsements of John McCain, click here. Also, be sure to read about the latest Florida newspapers to endorse John McCain.
Latest News This Week
Chicago Tribune's Swamp Blog: "Stormin' Norman" Schwarzkopf Goes For McCain
Orlando Sentinel's Political Pulse Blog: Crotty Endorses McCain For President
New York Times: New York Is All McCain's, For A Night
Pensacola News-Journal (FL): McCain Forges Path To Future
Gainesville Sun (FL): McCain Touts Military Background
Palm Beach Post (FL): Political Fortunes Resurrected, McCain Returns 'Invigorated'
The Florida Times-Union: McCain Makes His Case
Creators Syndicate: Rallying To McCain
New York Times: Thoroughly Unmodern McCain
Washington Post: McCain Beats Huckabee In S. Carolina; Clinton And Romney Win In Nevada

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