[Mani and Radi are laughing loudly as Modi approaches]
Modi (Moderate): What is so funny?
Mani (Mainstream): [Tries to control his laughter] We watched Fox News this morning (laughs) and they had a story about a 13-year-old boy suspended from school (laughter) for drawing what they thought might be a gun! [He and Radi laugh more] In addition, get this, [more laughter] the school officials “considered it an absolute threat!” [All three laugh].
Radi (Radical): I can’t stand it; a kid’s drawing is an absolute threat! (All three laugh all over again, tears streaming down their faces).
Mani: These are our mortal enemies? Grown up school officials terrified of a vague outline of a gun, doodled by a kid?
Radi: [Still laughing] It seems to me we can just walk right in and take over the country. We wouldn’t have to be armed, just leave the arms home and bring pictures of them.
Mani: [Laughing] Yeah. Terrorist now do not have to sneak in actual dirty bombs, just send photos. [All three laugh]
Modi: [Tries to stop laughing] I have to say it is not only funny, but also tragic. Can you imagine such crass, stupid crybabies as adults, let alone education authorities?
Radi: Tell me again about your great American militia, the people who make their own ammunition and are fiercer and braver than any of our armies. [He and Mani laugh]
Modi: [Still smiling] It is a good thing that this type of person is not typical of the American. These are people of the Left, the sissies of the world. They want everything just so: pajamas must be fireproof, kids aren’t allowed to fight, all games must not have winners or losers, and test scores must not be posted—no child must have to acknowledge that other kids can be smarter, faster, tougher, or just all around better than they. It is too much pressure.
Radi: If I had not seen the news item, I would not have believed you.
Mani: Yes, Modi. What is the matter with people like that? America is facing multiple enemies from all over the world. The government cannot secure its own borders, people are pouring in to do harm to the American people, and one of the political parties wants the people to give up their guns.
Radi: Maybe the people should mail in photos of their guns. [Laughter]
Modi: Yes, I told you about this once or twice before. The Leftists do not believe in the individual; hence, there can be no individual right to defend oneself. To engage in self-defense requires an individual decision and not the deliberations of a committee. I am tired of saying it. They would rather that people, when accosted by predators, should simply die quietly and promptly without wasting anyone’s time.
Mani: That is sick!
Radi: Maybe, but it is good for us. It will be much easier to kill them all. Just dig a ditch shoulder high, invite all the men to walk into it, and have teams of Believers with swords behead them as they walk along the ditch.
Modi: Americans won’t do that.
Radi: But the Leftists would, and that would be about half the country.
Modi: But the rest of the country would fight like lions—even harder than lions.
Mani: Why would the rest fight harder?
Modi: They wouldn’t have all those sissies holding them back and trying to get them to stop defending themselves.
Radi: Ha, Modi, I think you have something there. Therefore, we must make a note. When we attack America, don’t touch the sissies until the others are dead or captured. Afterwards we can take our time removing their heads.
Mani: Radi, I swear you have a one-track mind.
Radi: About the drawing again, Mani. I assume the teacher saw the drawing on the kid’s desk. He would be in real trouble if he just stuffed it in his pocket.
Modi: Why do you say that?
Radi: [Laughs] Because then he would have a concealed deadly weapon. [They laugh]
Modi (Moderate): What is so funny?
Mani (Mainstream): [Tries to control his laughter] We watched Fox News this morning (laughs) and they had a story about a 13-year-old boy suspended from school (laughter) for drawing what they thought might be a gun! [He and Radi laugh more] In addition, get this, [more laughter] the school officials “considered it an absolute threat!” [All three laugh].
Radi (Radical): I can’t stand it; a kid’s drawing is an absolute threat! (All three laugh all over again, tears streaming down their faces).
Mani: These are our mortal enemies? Grown up school officials terrified of a vague outline of a gun, doodled by a kid?
Radi: [Still laughing] It seems to me we can just walk right in and take over the country. We wouldn’t have to be armed, just leave the arms home and bring pictures of them.
Mani: [Laughing] Yeah. Terrorist now do not have to sneak in actual dirty bombs, just send photos. [All three laugh]
Modi: [Tries to stop laughing] I have to say it is not only funny, but also tragic. Can you imagine such crass, stupid crybabies as adults, let alone education authorities?
Radi: Tell me again about your great American militia, the people who make their own ammunition and are fiercer and braver than any of our armies. [He and Mani laugh]
Modi: [Still smiling] It is a good thing that this type of person is not typical of the American. These are people of the Left, the sissies of the world. They want everything just so: pajamas must be fireproof, kids aren’t allowed to fight, all games must not have winners or losers, and test scores must not be posted—no child must have to acknowledge that other kids can be smarter, faster, tougher, or just all around better than they. It is too much pressure.
Radi: If I had not seen the news item, I would not have believed you.
Mani: Yes, Modi. What is the matter with people like that? America is facing multiple enemies from all over the world. The government cannot secure its own borders, people are pouring in to do harm to the American people, and one of the political parties wants the people to give up their guns.
Radi: Maybe the people should mail in photos of their guns. [Laughter]
Modi: Yes, I told you about this once or twice before. The Leftists do not believe in the individual; hence, there can be no individual right to defend oneself. To engage in self-defense requires an individual decision and not the deliberations of a committee. I am tired of saying it. They would rather that people, when accosted by predators, should simply die quietly and promptly without wasting anyone’s time.
Mani: That is sick!
Radi: Maybe, but it is good for us. It will be much easier to kill them all. Just dig a ditch shoulder high, invite all the men to walk into it, and have teams of Believers with swords behead them as they walk along the ditch.
Modi: Americans won’t do that.
Radi: But the Leftists would, and that would be about half the country.
Modi: But the rest of the country would fight like lions—even harder than lions.
Mani: Why would the rest fight harder?
Modi: They wouldn’t have all those sissies holding them back and trying to get them to stop defending themselves.
Radi: Ha, Modi, I think you have something there. Therefore, we must make a note. When we attack America, don’t touch the sissies until the others are dead or captured. Afterwards we can take our time removing their heads.
Mani: Radi, I swear you have a one-track mind.
Radi: About the drawing again, Mani. I assume the teacher saw the drawing on the kid’s desk. He would be in real trouble if he just stuffed it in his pocket.
Modi: Why do you say that?
Radi: [Laughs] Because then he would have a concealed deadly weapon. [They laugh]
Mani: Radi, you do have a sense of humor after all.
Modi: Of course he has; you should see him at an ambush.
Radi: You never saw me at an ambush.
Modi: I could just imagine it. You must really drool until it is time to squeeze the trigger.
Mani: Enough of that. We still have lots of time till noon prayers, how about a late breakfast.
Radi: Modi’s buying this time.
Modi: Oops. I don’t think I brought enough money with me this time. Let’s swing by my house first.
Radi: No need. Here is some paper and a pencil.
Modi: [Looks puzzled] What are these for?
Radi: [Starts running, calls over his shoulder] Just draw a few thousand dinars.
Modi: [Laughs and runs after Radi] You SOB!
Mani: Here we go again.
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