campaign literature WITHOUT permission.
(Politico Mafioso had the story back in April). This is highly unethical & would lead voters to believe that he supports O'Connell when he actually supports his opponent, highly respected THELDA WILLIAMS.
While attacking her, O'Connell actually misspelled William's name. How unintelligent is that?
O'Connell accused Thelda Williams of being liberal, against freedom of speech & opposed to gun rights. All rediculous, politically motivated & patently untrue.
O'Connell altered Thelda Williams photo which is just plain rude.
"I am very upset with Stacey
O'Connell'scampaign for Phoenix City
Council.The people of Phoenix deserve
better.I urge you to vote for my good friend
&former Sheriff's Division
WILLIAMS.She deserves your
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Dear Tony/mafia wannabee:
The photo of Sheriff Joe and I, not unethical. Its showing my support-endorsement for him and his ability to prove that local law enforcement can go after immigration law. Its not an endorsement of him to my campaign, in fact we had a long phone conversation about the very issue many months ago......he LOVES that someone actually has the BALLS to run on an illegal immigration platform in a Phoenix Council Race. My opponents dont, not even the one he endorsed....an endorsement that comes from Arpio being a very loyal person, very respectable.
Cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, Tony.
Mr. O'Connell,
I have spoken directly with Sheriff Joe on this issue. He did NOT appreciate you using that photo on your web site. He does NOT endorse you, even though you asked for his endorsement. As for the heat Mr. O'Connell, it is you who seems to not be able to handle the heat...
Sheriff Joe grandstands on on illegal immigration, but endorses an open-borders hack, Thelda Williams. He rounds 'em up, and she let 'em in. Go figure! Circular logic and cronyism at its finest...
Until Thelda comes right out and says that she will seek to oust Ops Order 1.4.3, she IS FOR ILLEGAL IMMGRATION into Phoenix.
She either does not understand federal and municipal law, which is frightening, or does understand - and chooses to ignore. I don't know which is worse!
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