Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party RANDY PULLEN has appointed
HORST KRAUS, President of the Grand Canyon Pachyderm Club & Secretary of LD-6, to the State Finance Committee.
Kraus, a long time Republican volunteer & contributor, will be an excellent addition to the GOP Team. Congratulations Horst!!!
Isn’t it funny how things revolve? Yes, I was part of the “other slate” and well do I know that my worthy opponents roamed the halls and make sure I would not be part of the conservative team of the AZ GOP. (For whatever that means)
Randy Pullen, whom I supported in his quest for Mayor of Phoenix and I had most recently a very productive face to face meeting discussing the future of the GOP in Arizona, and we came to understand that it was time to “circle the wagons”,.
For those of you that are more ideologist and less pragmatists that means: “The party as a whole is more important then the whim of few within”.
My opinion.
I felt honored for being asked to be on the Committee and it would make some slight difference if it was for my ability to write big checks or my wisdom to rally support.
I trust it be the latter.
To this end, let me borrow a prefix from our good friend John Shadegg who learned it from his Dad: “At the end of the Day”,
At the end of the day it matters who is on board pulling the ore, or just watching from the sideline
I prefer being remembered as one pulling the ore. How about you?
Can I convince shame, coerce, or persuade you in joining me in a new and improved AZ GOP? Do you have the mouths’ where the money is? Or the guts where the conviction bloats? Or visa-versa?
The following announcement (by me) will appear on the LD-6 August Newsletter (ostensibly addressed to our LD-6 PC’s) and on a number of private invitations:
When you take a good look from where we stood after the 2004 Election and today, you will notice that we, Republicans, are not sitting quite a comfortable as we sat three years ago.
Most of it has to do with our war on the Islamic Terror Organizations Worldwide, which was one of those HARD CALLS our president needed to make. Our Nation has grown for the most part war worn and individual’s sentiments are bound to reflect this in the next, the 2008 election.
We have a job to do, and let me cut right to the chase. Our party and our candidates need supporting and that means for the most part funding. So let me suggest to you our valued Precinct Committee Men to make a personal HARD CALL.
Call on a dozen or more of your Republican neighbors, and friends, have them come over to your home for whatever reason, a B-B-Q, a dinner, to watch a game, an anniversary, a wine tasting party, a beer tasting party, or whatever else and ask them ahead of time to bring a ten dollar personal check made out to the AZ Republican Party because you are doing a fund raiser.
That will show you what kind of neighbors and friends you have, it will get you your signatures for your name on the ballot for 2008, and it will be appreciated by your party.
The more I think about it, it ain’t that HARD a CALL to make after all.
Horst Kraus,
Secretary LD-6 GOP
Very well spoken. You hit the nail on the head. It's time to 'circle the wagons'. You are 100% correct when you say we must go back to what Republicans were back in 2004 - "The Party of the Big Tent". Only completely unified can we defeat the evil democrats. Your commentary should be read by ALL Republicans and used as a guide for what needs to be done in 2008! Great Job!
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