Friday, August 31, 2007

The McCain Update - August 31, 2007

This week John McCain's presidential campaign released "Courageous Service," a video look at how John McCain's lifetime of service and sacrifice has prepared him to be Commander in Chief from day one. Please watch the video here, and pass the link on to your friends and family.

John McCain began this week by speaking to the 129th annual conference of the National Guard Association of the United States in Puerto Rico. In his remarks, McCain called the Guard "the best among us," saluting their brave service and sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan and calling on America to make a new and lasting commitment to the Guard. McCain then travelled to California for campaign events and an appearance on The Tonight Show, where he joked with Jay Leno but also won warm applause in making the case for pursing our winning strategy in Iraq.

This Labor Day weekend, John McCain travels to Iowa for a slew of campaign events, including house parties with supporters, a Veterans Monument dedication, and Labor Day parades throughout the state. McCain then heads to New Hampshire for Town Hall Meetings and rallies with supporters before Wednesday's Fox News Republican debate at the University of New Hampshire.

For more information, log on to and please be sure to forward this newsletter on to family, friends and fellow John McCain supporters and invite them to watch "Courageous Service."

"I think that the transcendent issue of the 21st century is
the struggle against radical Islamic extremism and I, with considerable ego, say
that I'm the best prepared and qualified to meet this challenge and I think it's
a threat to everything we stand for and believe in."

- John McCain in "Courageous Service"
Weekly Must Reads
The Articles You Can't Miss
What They're Saying

The Honorable Robert Mosbacher: "John McCain's unquestionable national security credentials, strong conservative record, and inspiring personal narrative make him the most qualified candidate to lead America during these challenging times" (John McCain 2008, "Robert Mosbacher Joins Supporters Of McCain," Press Release, 8/27/07)

New York Post: "Sen. John McCain released a video yesterday touting his storied military service - including extensive footage of him as a badly injured Vietnam POW being interrogated by his captors. The opening of the film shows grainy footage of a gaunt, 31-year-old McCain sitting up in a body cast. 'What is your name?' a Viet Cong officer asks. 'McCain,' he answers, puffing on a cigarette." (Carl Campanile, "McCain's Video Flashback To Vietnam," New York Post, 8/31/07)

Palmetto Scoop Blog: "Say what you want about McCain, but it's tough to watch this and not feel the emotion. The descriptions of his torture are gut-wrenching, but the way he turns such horrific events into positive ideas is inspiring. And the personal feel of the message reminds us of the 2000 John McCain; the grassroots maverick that would sit down and have a chat with anyone and everyone about anything and everything." ("Video: McCain's Courageous Service," The Palmetto Scoop Blog, 8/30/07)

Concord Monitor: "The opening shot of a new video about Sen. John McCain shows a young Navy pilot encased in a giant, clumsy-looking plaster cast. With his one free hand, he smokes a cigarette as he gives a foreigner interviewer his name, rank and serial number. From that image of McCain, badly injured from a plane crash and captive in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp, the title flashes over the sound of a gong: Courageous service. Experienced leadership. Bold solutions. ... In 12 minutes, it sketches the history of McCain's harrowing experiences during the bombing of an aircraft carrier and as a prisoner of war, drawing comparisons between his courage as a captive pilot and his abilities as a leader." (Margot Sanger-Katz, "McCain Posts POW Video," Concord Monitor, 8/30/07)

MSNBC's Chris Matthews: "That was a Commie picture, by the way, of a good American doing his duty in the face of amazing intimidation there. You saw that camera, imagine what was behind that camera." (MSNBC's "Hardball," 8/30/07)

Time Magazine's Real Clear Politics Blog: "Very much worth watching." (Blake Dvorak, "John McCain: Courageous Service," Time's Real Clear Politics Blog, 8/30/07

NBC's First Read" Blog: "The McCain campaign today released a high-quality, 12-minute video that highlights McCain's military service and touts his 'maverick spirit' with a 'rebellious streak.'" (Domenico Montanaro, "McCain's Relaunch," NBC's "First Read" Blog, 8/30/07)

Politico's Jonathan Martin: "Regardless of what you think of McCain's politics, it's worth the watch." (Jonathan Martin, "The McCain Story," The Politico, 8/30/07)

Thank You From Cindy McCain

Thank you to everyone who signed my husband's online birthday card! As you know, he celebrated his birthday on Wednesday, and I was proud to share your well-wishes with him. He's been busy on the campaign trail, and he's always encouraged to hear from friends like you.
Thanks so much for making it such a special birthday for him!

PS - Here are just a few of the warm wishes from friends like you:

Hope you celebrate your next birthday in the White House.
Lynn Shealy - Mt. Pleasant, SC

Happy Birthday, Senator McCain! I believe you're the best man for the job of President! I'll look forward to casting my vote for you in the upcoming elections!
Jessica Morgan - Canton, GA

Sir, thank you for your lifetime of patriotism. I do not expect you to remember, but I introduced my son, Anderson McCain Bass, to you last year at your book signing in La Jolla, CA. He is named after you. I was on active duty at the time at MCAS Miramar.
A. G. Bass - Edmond, OK

Thank you so much for all you've done and continue to do for our country and all of its citizens. You are truly a Hero, more so now than ever. I wish I could give more. I can tell you I am diligently working extremely hard for you here in New Hampshire. Best of Luck and a very happy birthday!
Sheridan B Folger - Dover, NH

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Sara Butterworth - Coralville, IA

You're a hero of mine, John. Happy Birthday to you and many more. McCain 2008!
Rick Zemen - Austin, TX

RSVP Today For These Great Events...

October 15 - DC Campaign Forum (National Leadership Team Members)There are even more great events planned in September in California, Virginia, Texas, Wisconsin and Illinois to show your support for John McCain!

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