John McCain started off the week with an appearance on CBS's "Face The Nation" on Sunday morning. The following day Sen. McCain traveled to Kansas City to deliver the keynote speech at the annual convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars before heading to Arizona. Next week John McCain will address the National Guard before appearing on "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno on Wednesday. Make sure to wish Sen. McCain a Happy Birthday on August 29th. For more information, log on to http://link.johnmccain.com/?95-2404-342639-23194 and please be sure to forward this newsletter on to family, friends and fellow John McCain supporters.
Read The Full Newsletter Here...
"Unless you are a veteran you might find it odd that I
would be indebted to the Navy for sending me to war. You might conclude
mistakenly that the secret bond veterans share is that we enjoyed war. But as
most veterans know, war is an experience we would not trade and we would rather
not repeat."
- John McCain
In case you missed it, Cindy McCain sent a note to McCain supporters inviting you to sign a special online birthday card to send your best wishes to her husband. John's birthday is August 29th so please sign the special online birthday card today to send your birthday wishes.
Weekly Must Reads
The Articles You Can't Miss
Phoenix Business Journal: McCain Tangles With Clinton Over Surge
Fosters Daily Democrat: John McCain A Tried And True Leader
The New York Times: Clinton And McCain Addresses Military Veterans
The Boston Globe: McCain Understands Granite State
CBS News: I Know What's Right For America
Leadership In The War Against Radical Islamic Extremism
The New York Times: "In back-to-back speeches before an audience of military veterans here today, Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and John McCain praised the fortitude of American troops fighting in Iraq, but presented starkly different assessments of the war and the strategy going forward."
The New York Daily News Says John McCain "Won Their Hearts."
The New York Times Notes "[T]he Audience Roared With Approval." "When Mr. McCain presented an opposing view, saying the troop buildup in Iraq needed time to succeed, the audience roared with approval."
The Kansas City Star Says "McCain Was Applauded 10 Times, Including Standing Ovations..." "McCain was applauded 10 times, including standing ovations when he came in (10 seconds) and at the end (18). No crossed arms when he spoke. Those on stage leaned forward, looking either directly at the senator or his image on the monitor."
The Associated Press: "McCain, A Former Vietnam War Prisoner Of War, Received A Warmer Reception - And Louder Applause During His Remarks."
Watch Excerpts From John McCain's VFW Convention Speech Here And Here
Read The Speech Here
Read the full newsletter here...
Excerpts From WIS-TV's "Newswatch With David Stanton"
In South Carolina John McCain on the War in Iraq:
"We're going to have a debate in the senate. ... I will be there saying that a
date for withdrawal is a date for surrender. I'd rather lose a campaign than
lose a war. I'm prepared to stake everything that I've gained politically or in
my life on this issue because I believe we have to win."
John McCain on the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse and Wasteful Spending: "[Congress] put earmarked pork barrel money into projects that are either unnecessary or unwanted. It's disgraceful. Let's take the $2 billion in pork and let's repair some bridges and inspect others and look at our whole system of priorities. ... It's an indictment of the system. They always want to build a new project they can have their name on rather than doing the right things that are necessary for the security of our people. People died in [the collapse]. That's tragic. ... [These pork projects] are just outrageous and when I'm president they're not going to get away with it."
Watch Senator McCain's Interview on WIS-TV's "Newswatch" - Part 1 Part 2
Fosters Daily Democrat In New Hampshire Has Praise For McCain. "Sen. John McCain is the most truthful and consistent leader among all the candidates. He is highly principled and will not change his opinion for the convenience of being elected. This is not smart politically but is awesome as a leadership trait in a President." Brad Warthen Of The State In South Carolina: McCain Is A "Hero."
"How are you supposed to do your job with professional detachment when every time you see one of the main guys running for president, every time you read about him, every time he opens his mouth or takes an action in public, you think, 'Hero'? How are you supposed to keep your rep when you keep thinking, I admire this guy? Of all things, admire! It's embarrassing."
Voters Responded To John McCain's Message On Iraq Bob Tanner, Americus, GA Tells The Kansas City Star: "It Was The Most Outstanding Speech I Ever Heard ..." "When the topic turned to McCain's speech, a stream of tears descended from [Bob] Tanner's [of VFW Post 4784 in Americus, GA] eyes. 'It was the most outstanding speech I ever heard,' he said."
Sgt. Matt Stuart, Salt Lake City, UT Tells The New York Daily News: "McCain Talked To Vets On Their Level. I Liked McCain." "Matt Stuart, 28, of Salt Lake City, who was a sergeant with the 1st Armored Division in Iraq, said 'she talked about programs, but McCain talked to vets on their level. I liked McCain.'" Marilyn Nee, Whitman, MA Tells Reuters "she was an independent, favored McCain over Clinton. 'I like his views right now,' Nee said. 'We could be fighting another war on our own shores if we aren't careful.'"
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