Attention Arizona NRA Members:
Remember to vote for Thelda Williams on Tuesday, September 11!
Tuesday, September 11 is Election Day in your area. Your National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (www.NRAPVF.org) has endorsed THELDA WILLIAMS for Phoenix City Council District 1. THELDA WILLIAMS has a proven track record of voting to protect your Second Amendment rights.
If you are a registered voter, you are eligible to participate in this election! Be sure to spread the word to your family, friends and fellow gun owners to vote for THELDA WILLIAMS on Tuesday, September 11. Early voting began Tuesday, August 14 so please take the time to goto the polls or vote by mail.
Republic Backs Williams in District 1

The Republic has strongly endorsed former city councilwoman and mayor Thelda Williams in District 1:
"Her public experience dwarfs that of the otherThe board was not impressed at the council credentials held by Williams opponents Jonathan Humphrey, Lorelai Poll and Stacey O'Connell.
challengers. She has a list of civic organizations that would bury most people.
She has been off the council for 11 years, but she knows the district, its
people and its problems. She still gets involved in local issues such as the
increasing number of businesses illegally operating gin residential
neighborhoods. She is proposing a satellite city office in the northwest, more
convenient to residents. ... This year, Thelda Williams is the best qualified of
these candidates to serve on the City Council."
"Except for Thelda Williams,"the board wrote, "
all the candidates need more seasoning in city administration and
policy. Their civic resumes are still too skimpy."
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