Following the weekend in South Carolina, John McCain will be in Washington for an event with Young Professionals for McCain before heading to Palo Alto, California for a "New Captains of Innovation" Fireside Chat at Stanford University.
"One thing everyone has to admit - when
you get into a struggle with John McCain, you'd better bring your lunch because
it is going to be a long battle."
- Senator Trent Lott

From The Campaign Trail
John McCain On The Nation's Economy ...
John McCain:
"Two words summarize my remarks about the American Economy:Read more here...
Freedom works. Freedom works for everyone, and only through freedom has America
achieved what was once thought impossible." "Ronald Reagan once said that
'Freedom is the right to question and change the established way of doing
things. It is the continuous revolution of the marketplace. It is the
understanding that allows us to recognize shortcomings and seek solutions.' He
spoke these words to university students in Moscow in 1988. It was a message
they needed to hear in Russia then, and it's a message that we desperately need
to hear in Washington now."

Supporters Praise McCain
Senators Richard Burr and Trent Lott
Senator Richard Burr (R-NC): "
At the end of the day, the American people will ask themselves 'Who
do I see sitting in the Oval Office making the decisions?', whether they're
about war or whether they're about domestic programs, and I think John McCain is
the guy that can do it on day one."Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS):"I like a leader that will take a position even if I may disagree with it, and
will fight for that position. And one thing everyone has to admit - when you get
into a struggle with John McCain, you'd better bring your lunch because it is
going to be a long battle. I like a man and a woman with character and
leadership that will take a stand."

What They're Saying
National Review: "No one came close to John McCain when it came to making the case for the surge."
Green Mountain Politics Blog Headline Reads: "They Don't Call Him Mr. Straight Talk For Nothing."
Newsweek calls John McCain "[A] man of genuine courage, integrity and charisma; among other issues, McCain has bravely taken a lonely stand on restoring honor to military interrogations."
More from Newsweek: "As we now know nearly four years later, McCain was dead on in his analysis of what went wrong in Iraq...McCain was so right that, among military experts today, the emerging conventional wisdom about Bush's current 'surge' is that if it had occurred back then - when McCain wanted it and the political will existed in this country to support it for the necessary number of years - it might well have succeeded."
The Endorsements Pile Up ... Former Governor Buddy Roemer (R-LA):
"Senator McCain's courageous service to our nation makes him the
only candidate with the character, integrity, and experience necessary to lead
our country from day one. ... I am proud to support an American hero with a
conservative record of reforming government, lowering taxes, and cutting
wasteful spending."Did You Know...
Fast Facts About John McCain
During his military career, John McCain received a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, the Legion of Merit, the Purple Heart, and a Distinguished Flying Cross.
In 1986, John McCain won the Senate seat formerly held by Senator Barry Goldwater, the last Arizona native to be his party's nominee for President.
Weekly Must Reads
The Articles You Can't Miss
Arizona Daily Star: McCain Far Ahead In AZ Cash Race
The Associated Press: McCain Says He Would Veto Pork Spending
The Detroit News: McCain, In Michigan, Calls For Tax Overhaul
San Diego Magazine: Cindy McCain Interview
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