Saturday, June 02, 2007

The McCain Update - June 1, 2007

John McCain began this holiday week in Charlotte, NC, where he served as honorary starter for the Coca-Cola 600. In San Diego on Wednesday at The Wall Street Journal's annual All Things Digital conference, John McCain called on America's leading innovators to serve in government. The Senator also stopped by the "No Spin Zone" for an interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly about the need to enact comprehensive immigration reform that will secure our borders and uphold our values. Additionally this week, the American Research Group released polls in Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire showing John McCain in the lead in all three key early primary states. John McCain will continue to discuss the critical issue of immigration in a major address next week in Miami before heading up to New Hampshire for the third GOP presidential debate. For more information, log on to and please be sure to forward this newsletter on to family, friends, and fellow John McCain supporters.

"I believe my whole life, my inspiration, my heroes, and my experience have qualified me to serve. I am committed to seeing this nation through one of the most difficult periods of our history." - John McCain
Watch John McCain's entire interview on "The O'Reilly Factor:"
Part I on Immigration Part II on the War on Terror
John McCain On Government Reform

As Published In The Concord Monitor McCain: "As I said when I announced my candidacy in Portsmouth last month, I am running for president to take on our most difficult challenges - whether it's winning our titanic struggle against Islamic extremists or making energy security a top national priority. We will succeed in these great endeavors only if we have a government that reflects the priorities and the honor of the great nation it serves. I am prepared to lead a new era of government reform that rejects the mediocrity that bureaucracy often breeds and replaces it with a culture of excellence...

Read more from Senator McCain's Op-Ed...

On The Record

John McCain On "The O'Reilly Factor"

John McCain on the War on Terror: "If it was not for the issue that we were just discussing, that 9/11 changed this country and the world and our challenge, I would not be running. I believe my whole life, my inspiration, my heroes, and my experience have qualified me to serve. I'm not the youngest candidate, but I'm the best prepared. I am committed to seeing this nation through one of the most difficult periods of our history, and like Ronald Reagan, I approach it with optimism, with hope and belief in the American people, in the future of this nation, and that our best days are ahead of us... "
Read more on the record...

We're On The Web -

Senator McCain recently sent his supporters an update from the campaign trail.

Read it today on

Did You Know...Fun Facts About John McCain

In light of Memorial Day, the Wall Street Journal published Sen. John McCain's "Five Best" books about soldiers in wartime: John McCain's top 5 books are:
1. For Whom The Bell Tolls, By Ernest Hemingway

2. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, By Edward Gibbon

3. This Kind of War, By T.R. Fehrenbach

4. Hell in a Very Small Place, By Bernard B. Fall

5. All Quiet on the Western Front, By Erich Maria Remarque

Supporters Praise McCain

The Leadership America Needs Medal of Honor Recipient George "Bud" Day: "When it comes to our veterans -- whose sacrifices are sometimes lost in the shuffle of bureaucratic paperwork -- John [McCain] just won't take no for an answer.
"I can tell you that John McCain's unyielding determination to defeat this enemy and honor the valor of our fallen heroes comes not just from his heart, but his history too.
"John McCain has for decades answered the call to serve his fellow citizens humbly and without hesitation, and that's what America needs and our veterans deserve -- in their next commander-in-chief."
Read more about praise for John McCain...

At the Polls
The American Research Group released polls in Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire this week. In each of the three key early primary states, the ARG poll showed John McCain in the lead.

In Iowa, John McCain leads Rudy Giuliani by 2-points (25% to 23%). Romney is only carrying 16% on the ballot, a very different finding than some polls released last week.

New Hampshire
In New Hampshire, Senator McCain leads Mitt Romney by 7-points and Rudy Giuliani by 9-points (Senator McCain 30%, Romney 23% and Giuliani 21%). And Senator McCain leads among Independent voters by 18-points (Senator McCain 40%, Romney 20% and Giuliani 15%).

South Carolina
In South Carolina, Senator McCain leads Rudy Giuliani by 9-points and Mitt Romney by 22-points (Senator McCain 32%, Giuliani 23% and Romney 10%). Romney trails Fred Thompson by 3-points in South Carolina.
Stories Of The Week
Nationwide Immigration Coverage
The Concord Monitor, By John McCain:
I'll Make Government Perform Better
Wall Street Journal, By Jeb Bush and Ken Mehlman:
A Good Immigration Bill
McCain Confronts Rivals on Immigration to Regain Maverick Aura
American Research Group:
New Polls: Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina
Sioux City Journal (IA): By George "Bud" Day,
John McCain: A Veteran For Veterans
The Arizona Republic:
McCain Enters Realm Of NASCAR Dads
A Cause Greater
Even though Memorial Day has passed, Senator McCain reminds us how important it is to honor the brave men and women in our military every day, not just Memorial Day. If you haven't already, please take a moment to watch Senator McCain's special Memorial Day video message here.

Then take a moment to visit "A Cause Greater" on There you will learn about special causes you can get involved with to sacrifice for a cause greater than your own self interest.


Anonymous said...

Dear Politico Mafioso,

Suggestion: Rename your blog the McCain Campaign Watch.

Frustrated with the lack of variety in your blog.

Tony GOPrano said...

If you don't like it, go somewhere else.