Friday, June 01, 2007

McCain on The O'Reilly Factor, Part II

The second half of John McCain's interview on the O'Reilly Factor aired last night on Fox News. Some excerpts:

"If it was not for the issue that we were just discussing, that 9/11 changed this country and the world and our challenge, I would not be running. I believe my whole life, my inspiration, my heroes, and my experience have qualified me to serve. I'm not the youngest candidate, but I'm the best prepared. I am committed to seeing this nation through one of the most difficult periods of our history, and like Ronald Reagan, I approach it with optimism, with hope and belief in the American people, in the future of this nation, and that our best days are ahead of us." (Fox News, "The O'Reilly Factor," 5/31/07)

"I think that most Americans appreciate the fact that this is a titanic struggle between everything we stand for and believe in and radical Islamic extremism. We have to win. We can win. We will win. We will never surrender. They will."
(Fox News, "The O'Reilly Factor," 5/31/07)

"I will say that this strategy has only been going on for about four or five months. Neighborhoods in Baghdad, I emphasize, are safer, not safe, and there have been improvements." (Fox News, "The O'Reilly Factor," 5/31/07)

Please watch the interview below:

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