I just saw this " Bush OKs "Integration with European Union" on the stopspp.com website as well as on World Net Daily. A careful reading of this article shows what could be an end-run around the North American Union and going right to the European Union, without notifying Congress. It was signed and not sent to Congress for ratification. It has much the same language as the Security and Prosperity Partnership (North American Union) and also used "dialogues" instead of treaties, so that they need not sign them or have them ratified. I thought the Dems were the ones in a rush to end our sovereignty! It appears that the administration is trying to beat them to it. The "regulatory convergence" has to be similar to NAFTA Rule 511, requiring any conflicts between US law and EU rules to be resolved by bringing US laws into consonance within 180 days. That signature alone could have "unintended consequences" with respect to the First and Second Amendments. In the George H.W. Bush "Thousand Point of Light" speech he mentioned "New World Order." I do not believe this plan is exactly what he meant, but unless we continue the fight against loss of our sovereignty, we may find ourselves adrift in the European Union with a new Constitution that even the Europeans didn't want.
We have a great fight going, that started with grassroots activism and now includes about 16 or more states. The Trans-Texas Corridor is now in moratorium, thanks to the Texas people voicing their opinions about what they did not want. And the Teamsters filed suit to prevent 100 Mexican trucking companies from operating within the United States (because of NAFTA rule 511). Only a handful of people started the fight, without a media voice, without congressional support, and without funds. "We cannot make our sun stand still, yet we can make it run."
I love this country just the way it is. If we have to start a third party, a mainstream American party, to stop the arrogance and the ignorance of the parties of greed on one end and intolerance on the other, then let it begin here.
We have a great fight going, that started with grassroots activism and now includes about 16 or more states. The Trans-Texas Corridor is now in moratorium, thanks to the Texas people voicing their opinions about what they did not want. And the Teamsters filed suit to prevent 100 Mexican trucking companies from operating within the United States (because of NAFTA rule 511). Only a handful of people started the fight, without a media voice, without congressional support, and without funds. "We cannot make our sun stand still, yet we can make it run."
I love this country just the way it is. If we have to start a third party, a mainstream American party, to stop the arrogance and the ignorance of the parties of greed on one end and intolerance on the other, then let it begin here.
Sounds great to me
Thank you for your comment. It is good to know that we are part of the mainstream with our ideas, and not part of the problem.
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