Recent reports of Congressman Rick Renzi (R) of Arizona's demise has gotten all the liberal bloggers excited. Even though NO charges have been brought against him, the Liberals are already naming his successor. I think its time we review some of the democrats' scandals:

“House Democratic leaders are not expected to pressure embattled Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) to forfeit his lone remaining committee assignment, even as two Republican lawmakers who similarly face intense FBI scrutiny have relinquished their posts in recent days.”
Jefferson is alleged to have accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to help broker high-tech business deals in Nigeria.
The evidence against Jefferson, by most accounts, is very compelling.
According to press reports, he was caught on tape discussing the deals, while an FBI search of his home uncovered $90,000 in cash stuffed in his freezer. The FBI later searched Jefferson’s office in the Rayburn House Office Building for documents pretaining to the alleged bribery details. And Jefferson is being protected by the leadership of both parties as House lawyers argue that the search of his office was unconstitutional.
Jefferson is alleged to have accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to help broker high-tech business deals in Nigeria.
The evidence against Jefferson, by most accounts, is very compelling.
According to press reports, he was caught on tape discussing the deals, while an FBI search of his home uncovered $90,000 in cash stuffed in his freezer. The FBI later searched Jefferson’s office in the Rayburn House Office Building for documents pretaining to the alleged bribery details. And Jefferson is being protected by the leadership of both parties as House lawyers argue that the search of his office was unconstitutional.
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid collected a $1.1 million windfall on a Las Vegas land sale even though he hadn't personally owned the property for three years, property deeds show.
In the process, Reid did not disclose to Congress an earlier sale in which he transferred his land to a company created by a friend and took a financial stake in that company, according to records and interviews.
Now there is talk of more controversial land deals he may have been involved in.
Rep. Jim McDermott (WA) had no right to disclose the contents of an illegally taped telephone call involving House Republican leaders a decade ago, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.
In a 5-4 opinion, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that McDermott, a Washington Democrat, should not have given reporters access to the taped telephone call
The ruling upholds a previous decision ordering McDermott to pay House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, more than $700,000 for leaking the taped conversation. The figure includes $60,000 in damages and more than $600,000 in legal costs
California Sen. Dianne Feinstein while a member of the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies (or “Milcon”) sub-committee, where she may have directed more than $1 billion to companies controlled by her husband.
The problems stem from her subcommittee activities from 2001 to late 2005, when she quit. During that period the public record suggests she knowingly took part in decisions that eventually put millions of dollars into her husband’s pocket — the classic conflict of interest that exploited her position and power to channel money to her husband’s companies.In other words, it appears Sen. Feinstein was up to her ears in the same sort of shenanigans that landed California Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R) in the slammer. Indeed, it may be that the primary difference between the two is basically that Cunningham was a minor leaguer and a lot dumber than his state’s senior senator
I could go on and on. Barney Frank, Ted Kennedy, even Bill Clinton, but you all get the point. If ANY of these people had been Republicans, they would have hung them by the neck in the Capital Rotunda. Funny how the dems always seem to get away with it?

Thanks to one of our alert readers, Cindy from the Gathering Conservatives Group, there is news on Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
In case you haven't heard, and maybe you haven't, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slipped in a $25 million provision for San Francisco's waterfront on a $15 billion federal water bill at the last minute. It's pork barrel spending, yes, but more than that.
Republicans are crying foul because the federal cash for port improvements and the bill's provision for Pier 35 cruise ship dockage all benefit a toney area of San Francisco — one where Pelosi's husband just happens to own real estate about a mile away.
His properties are close enough to benefit from the inflow of federal cash to the area — and from the added business the new development will bring. At the very least, the question should be raised because he definitely has friends in high places
You forgot about Rep. Pelosi's funneling earmarks that benefit HER HUSBAND'S COMPANY!!!!!
Well, both parties pretty much admit that Renzi is on the road out and are preparing for a special election.
Jefferson definitely needs to go. Its ridiculous that he was re-elected.
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