Pullen continued, “Once again, we see that the Democrats are trying to micromanage our military from Washington, D.C. Once again they have voted to set an artificial withdrawal deadline in Iraq. Once gain they have waved the white flag of defeat and surrender. And once again they have shared our battle plan with the terrorists who hope to murder Americans and destroy our way of life. Our men and women in uniform who are bravely serving overseas deserve much better than the treatment they have received from the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Gabrielle Giffords, and Harry Mitchell.
“The sad irony is that the Democrats voted to ’cut and run’ from Iraq right after Osama bin Laden made claims he is in fact running the terrorists and insurgents in Iraq. A forced withdrawal of our troops by the Democrats in Congress before their mission is completed will lead to real defeat for American soldiers and the likely slaughter of countless Sunnis and Shiates throughout the Middle East in an ensuing, senseless civil war. This lasting legacy of the110th Democrat Congress will be appeasement with pork, a tasteless dish.
“I stand solidly with the over one million Arizona Republicans when I say: Mr. President for the sake of troops, for the sake of our country, and for the sake of the principles of freedom, liberty, and justice that make America great; Mr. President please veto this bill,” said Pullen.
“I am very proud of Arizona’s Republican members of Congress, John Shadegg, Trent Franks, Jeff Flake, and Rick Renzi, who stood tall with our military men and women and voted against this terrible bill,” concluded Pullen.
For more information, please contact Brett Mecum at 602.957.7770.
Paid for by the Arizona Republican Party
Not authorized by any candidate or campaign committee
Brett Mecum
Communications Director
Arizona Republican Party
602.957.7770 (o)
602.448.9883 (c)
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