as well choose Oprah, that way they won't have to raise
any money. Oprah can buy the election with Petty Cash...

and he would be free to roam at will for chicks....
Press Secretary - KATIE COURIC

She's going to need a new job soon anyway...
There would be some new Cabinet Offices under HR like:
Secretary of L.I.E.S. - ROSIE O'DONNELL

Lesbians Into Everyday Society!
Secretary of Propaganda & BS - MICHAEL MOORE

he is perfect for the job....
Secretary of T.P. - SHERYL CROW

shows her new line of clothing. I wonder how well
she is going to get along with Sec. Rosie?
All kidding aside, there is NO way America can allow this Commie-Loving, Socialist, Open Border advocate, Military Hating person to be our next President. One thing I can tell you; if the dems make her their nominee, the GOP will unite in ways never seen before!
The GOP will unite like never before huh? Should be interesting considering that the GOP is being led over a hill by their shepard GW Dick Bush. I seriously doubt that America will stomach another GOP President/Congress until the scourge is removed from their party (which will be helped by a prosecutorial purge) until then, good luck!
People are already tired of the democrats running Congress. They are eating their own already and its only been 6 months. The fact that Hillary Clinton will be the dem nominee and will unite Republicans of all sides, Conservatives, Moderates, even Liberals.
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